Kevin Street

That's true. It could spend all day looking for its ghost leg, but instead it gets on with life. Eating grass, entering spooky buildings when it hears human voices, all that stuff.

Exactly! Constantine's ultimate goal here should be to save his soul after he damned it in Newcastle. If saving his soul means saving the world from "the rising darkness," then so be it, but saving the world isn't something he'd do for free.

The funny thing about this episode is that John's character came through more strongly, even though it was the second one filmed. Without Zed or some other "normal" person around forcing him to pretend to be nice, Constantine seems more free to be himself. He's a user and Chas is an enabler, so they work well together.

The bird hitting the glass really got me.

That deer probably has a story of its own, but we'll never know.

Probably trespassing.

He's certainly pissing me off.

Look what happened in the episode with the super guns. Dominic wanted them on the streets, Elias didn't. If Dominic had taken out Elias before then, it would have been impossible to stop him from getting the guns eventually.

But Team Machine is falling further and further behind. What happened to Shaw could easily happen to Reese and Finch. If nothing changes, they're not going to last for seven seasons.

I doubt that Root knows who she really is, any better than we do. She's spent her whole life underground, playing games from the shadows. She thought she was a murderous acolyte of the new god, but then that god taught her to care about other people. If she's alive when this all ends and gets to be Samantha Groves

People are probably watching those shows on DVD, then coming here to read the reviews and discussion.

You win one Internet, Sir. Use it well.

She was looking for the Diviner in 1945, so she might've been a secret archaeologist or something. She was probably trying to find the hidden city along with her husband.

Yeah, I think the timing was:

That was a really good review. Congrats, Mr. Sava. You've got an excellent understanding of this show.

It might be even worse than it looks. Back in his austere HQ it sure looked like Greer was right on the verge of identifying Shaw's photograph. Has he ever met her? I can't recall.

It seems like Samaritan doesn't care about him specifically, but it's very curious why he did what he did.

I think the Machine does care about people, because it patterned its consciousness upon that of Finch. But yes, it does seem to pick numbers sometimes that help it achieve larger goals.

That was cool as hell.

Bless you, my son. I ask these same questions every week.