Kevin Street

I figure the cybermen reproducing by nanotechnology was Missy's doing. If (when) they return they'll hopefully be the conventional Borg-like amateur surgeons they were in the past.

I suspect she considered herself superior to the previous incarnations (just as they would consider themselves superior to her). Nothing but early drafts on the way to a later masterpiece of evil.

I totally believe she had Danny killed. Probably her driving the car.

Yes, this! The ball is still active, and still inside the 3W headquarters. It isn't clear if 3W is physically located inside St. Paul's, though. Could be it's the Mistress's TARDIS, and the door just opened to the cathedral.

Not only this, but remember the whole idea of the Cyberman army was to kill and convert the victims. So none of them would be equipped with disintegrators.

Britain seems to have more alien invasions than any other nation in the world. It's just a constant problem there.

Didn't they do that? The camera cut to Quinn, but I don't think the people sitting at those monitors would just give up. Even a random pick has a 33% chance of being right.

That was weird. She's in charge, she said shoot, he's supposed to shoot. I don't think the pilot could be charged with disobeying a direct order, because he's in the military and she's CIA. But there was definitely some rule breaking going on there.

Yeah, that was a bit weird. I can see him getting away from the murder in the car because everyone was busy dealing with the mine accident, but afterwards the law would have been hunting for him. And just checking into the hotel under a fake name wouldn't have been enough. It's not like they're going to stop

I… can't imagine the Spectre on a live action TV show. But holy crap - Jim Corrigan, The Phantom Stranger and Constantine together would be great.

I don't think it's working yet. I think the show really wants us to believe Constantine and Zed have chemistry, but so far it's just two people trying to zing each other with quips, and neither one really succeeding. Maybe John wins on points because his accent makes everything he says sound more profound.

That fight was especially odd, because it was prompted by the boss saying "search him." Constantine didn't have any ID in his pockets at the time, (thanks to Zed stealing his wallet), so they would've found nothing.

Yeah, and it's too bad we didn't get to see (or hear) that. What would they say to each other after all this time?

This is just speculation, but maybe Coulson is letting the (relatively) little fish go so they can catch the bigger fish later on. Bobbi has been there for awhile, so maybe she's been planting super-sekret tracking devices on everything. Then the base is closed down, Hydra moves their equipment to other bases, and

Ah, could be! That would certainly introduce the Inhumans.

How is that even possible???

This is speculation upon speculation, but if she did use some kind of encryption on her phone that Hydra didn't recognize, it would stand out like a red flag. (Assuming they monitor the phone calls of their employees, which they surely do.) They might not know what it said, but the encryption itself would mark her as

That was my first thought too. But Triathlon is Delroy Garrett Jr.

He starred in his own TV series back in 2009: The Unusuals.

It is a little stretched, but I guess Raina told him where the Hydra HQ was.