Kevin Street

+1 for Sherlock Domes.

Big Jim killed at least (counts on fingers) seven people in the two or three weeks before this episode, after a lifetime of car selling and small town politicking. Now he's up to at least nine. One more murder and he'll break double digits.

Reese is pretending to be a cop. His real motivation is to save lives, and when doing that comes in conflict with following the law, well…

Aren't they getting actual names from Samaritan? If Control is still doing the black bag stuff, her job is easier than ever now.

Probably a reference to Reese's facial stubble.

In Samaritan's defense, it was physically compromised in a way that the Machine never has been. Right from birth it's had this inability to identify Reese and the gang, like a hole in its mind.

Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, Margaret Thatcher… All fought wars.

I kind of get why she thinks that, though. The alternative is to believe that the dome is malevolent or (probably most likely) it simply doesn't care about puny humans, except when they can get it things it wants like the egg.

Yeah, he'd already decided to kill Pauline and knew that Big Jim would probably kill him in return.

This was my problem with that big science vs. religion scene. Pardon me if I don't take the advice of an axe murderer on the wisdom of letting things go.

That's what Patti said it was about, and that may be why people join. But it seems like the GR people are trying to annihilate themselves (not just their lives, but also their individual identities and humanity), and make the rest of the world complicit in the act.

Yeah, I think there's a lot more to them than we know. Like, where does all the GR's money come from? They buy housing subdivisions, churches, creepy expensive dolls… Some core of the organization could have existed before the 14th.

I think Wayne was plugged into something supernatural, but he was also crazy. (It seems like all the "important" people on this show are driven crazy.) So it's hard to say what things were legitimately part the plan and what things he did just because they seemed like a good idea at the time.

Meg is a bit of a mystery. I think she just likes having a purpose and enjoys feeling superior to the people that persecute them. Not every GR member is as hardcore as Patti. Gladys was close, but her belief wavered in the end.

After reuniting with Tommy it would be really hard for Laurie to go back. Actually, it seems like both of them tried to lose themselves inside cults, and both found that their cults weren't enough. (Tommy because he lost confidence in Wayne, and Laurie because she didn't want Jill to join the Guilty Remnant.) It's

Garvey Sr. has probably been talking to someone who looks different, but no doubt his visions come from the same source. Patti (or something that looks like her) will almost certainly appear in ghostly form next season and give Kevin crazy advice.

Yeah, he's connected to all of them. And some of the vampires do keep their memories, so in special cases like Eichhorst the brain tissue must be preserved in the transformed body.

Oh yeah, totally. If the dome is shrinking inwards the ground has to be fracturing, and eventually pieces are going to start shifting upwards to relieve the pressure. Everyone would be killed by disintegrating ground long before the dome smushed them.

You're absolutely right, the air would continue to stay pretty much where it was to begin with. However, the megatonnes of rock and dirt Chester's Mill is built on would probably start to rise, before crumbling and falling back down.

I think she was like a trainee, doing the Qui Reverti's bidding until she reached the magical age of 8 x 9 = 72 and could join the society herself. Jack not only killed her, but also wiped out her shot at immortality.