Kevin Street

It seemed like Amy was the one reciting the "death isn't real" liturgy to Jack, and the other personality tried to stop her by walking out of the room. Amy seems to know about the Qui Reverti, and accept that she's destined to lose her body to someone else. Maybe she was told the truth and prepared for this in

That was the point I started to give up on this series.

Don't think they had the time or equipment to test Redfern's DNA, and these creatures start moving around in one or two days, sometimes less - way too fast for normal cellular replication.

Meanwhile, in Zenith… The egg drops into the middle of the playground, and is lost amid a mad scramble of preschoolers and inconspicuously dressed security guards. The kid who took the drone pops out of the crowd and runs away with his new prize.

Good question. That might be why she's so protective of the egg.

I don't think she's processed that confession just yet. Her mind is still set on meeting Jim and James, and what might come of that.

Must have been easy to buy cars from him.


"The fact that we’re taking this journey through the perspective of a woman makes things infinitely more interesting…"

I think this episode was a little bit better. There are things going on outside the dome, and on the inside Big Jim has reset his character arc. He's now in a position of responsibility once again, and is faced with a moral quandary that puts him against Julia: what to do about the fact that Barbie escaped the dome.

I really thought that scene would end with Big Jim telling Phil about Dodee, then shooting him when Phil tries to get out of the cell.

A vacation on the other side of the dome? It's so peaceful there…

Dude's got two gunshot wounds - one in the left shoulder from, I dunno, a couple of weeks ago (the episode "Thicker Than Water"), and the new one in his right shoulder. No wonder he's drinking so much, it must hurt like hell.

This show would win every award ever if they did that.

Exactly! Dodee was picking up transmissions from the military outside talking about how Barbie was in the Dome. It seemed to be a big deal for them.

Now I'm picturing a shirtless Sam following Angie into the high school, then creeping up behind her with an axe.

It's the way back into the dome. Maybe you go crazy like Lyle if you spend too much time outside, and the characters that have left will need to return.

Yeah, Wayne's for real. He's a deeply messed up dude (maybe because there's no one who can hug his pain away), but he's really doing something to people. Supernatural stuff does happen on this show, but aside from the Departure it's all been low key and easy to dismiss.

"Small towns isolated from the world by mysterious barriers" is a tiny but vibrant subgenre in science fiction. My favorite novel in this mode is "The Happy Policeman" by Patricia Anthony.

If the Professor was obsessed with fire and viruses.