Kevin Steigelman

You know how many fans would jump out of a window if he was brought back? If he does return, that proves that they messed up killing him early.

Don't forget Tripp!

Well the best movie Villains had less then 2 hours, so Marvel still needs to pick up their game. XD

Why do I have a feeling Ward or Tripp will become a LMD in the real world.

Simmons is not a good choice to be leader, as I breath this show every day. Simmons can't gap the fear people have with the Inhuman's. As one of not the best Character in the MCU period, Daisy needs to be leader of SHIELD; this can really push Chloe to the movies. Daisy did try to become an Avenger in the comic's but

The Marvel movies should take note what AOS is doing. AIDA is 100% better then Ultron.

Won't happen as NIna said shes done with TVD.