No one should die in a Zanies. Not for real, anyway.
No one should die in a Zanies. Not for real, anyway.
Everyone has to decide for themself, I guess. That’s why I always felt like the “separate the art from the artist” question was one of “could” rather than one of“should.” As in can you still consume art from this person?
Wish I could give 2 likes on this. One for agreement and the other for how close that description likely comes to the reality of the scenario.
I’ve sometimes had the boarding pass scanner sound an alarm when there was something about my pass that required extra attention. I’m guessing it’s something like that. Might even be a random spot check.
the other guys - secretly amazing and underrated.
Came here to say the same thing. One reason why I always use AdBlock and uOrigin on Lifehacker and affiliate sites.
Came here to say the same thing. One reason why I always use AdBlock and uOrigin on Lifehacker and affiliate sites.
“Reality” TV is pretty low-hanging fruit but The Circle is just an awful bit of television. It’s garish and ugly and the cast is incredibly awkward and boring. Maybe it’s just me but I made it through an episode and a half and the concept was still incomprehensible. Is it supposed to be The Real World with a fake…
The favicon is way too small to be useful.
Millennials invented something unique: comedy without laughs.
...and yet no one seems to know any medication that could reliably produce the desired results. Besides, if you watch the series you’ll see that Grayson’s dick appears consistently to be as tumescent as that of a eunuch.
I’m not sure this project was a good idea. But I am sure that condemning it sight unseen is a horrible idea. Fuck you AV Club.
Together we can agree to fight the Kinja overlords.
My response was in response to a comment about trying to keep on an angency’s “good side”. Looks like #kinja butchered the linkages again...
Yeah I would have to get there and realize it was really some MLM scheme for me to peace out of there. If it’s a legit job and company you might as well just ride it out. However, if it’s an all day thing like some interviews can be and you realize early on it’s a bad fit I would probably address it to save everyone…
Unless the interviewer grabs my junk and says “You’ll be a perfect fit” I’m sticking around til the end.
I’ve never pronounced it, since I don’t have any real reason to talk about the service.
Cackled at “Walmart Liberace” - oh I’m using that one!
I agree with some of the sentiments. But I wish people would stop lumping everything from mild influence to outright plagiarism together under the hyperbolic label "theft".