
Calling it a Straw Man argument was a bullshit and ENTIRELY unnecessary comment. Just another ignorant A-hole trying to sound smarter than everyone else...because they clearly have nothing better to do than sit at their computer nitpicking forums. If you don’t want called out for posting critical shit that isn’t

It was just a a fun...not an argument...or something I even believe is true in all cases. Now if you would kindly find someone else to spread your pontificating crap with..I would thank you.

I agree completely.

I also have ZERO interest in the sexual orientation of the characters or actors. “Most of us” would not seem to be accurate.

I think it is dumb to have this 10 years before the original series. We already have a prequel series. And, frankly, if it is before the original series, this seriously limits what they are able to do with female characters, since cannon says that females were not permitted to be captains or admirals in TOS.

I thought you said that “if you think I’m going to riot, you clearly do not understand my relationship with herbs”, but maybe it was someone else. I can’t find the post now.

You know...Good Sir, you seem kinda amped up for a regular conosur of the herbal life.

Ummm...I’m not arguing anything. It was a statement...not in retort to anything. I was actually supporting the person I responding to in a sarcastic sort of way. And...further more, if I were, there was no straw-man structure to that statement.

Ummm...okay. I thought he was a libertarian. I was actually planning on voting for him, but I’m not sure. I despise Trump, but I like the Cabinet that would come with him.

You are in the wrong forum to not blindly except the liberal ideology as the superior moral, rational, and logical position, and the Clinton administration as savors of the masses.

I agree. I just feel like the thumb sticks are perfectly placed on my ps4 controller, but my friend raves on and on about how wonderful the X-Box layout is.

I didn’t know about this, but it makes perfect sense. Boll did a “Fund Me” thing not long ago to gather the funds to make a movie he was interested in doing, but almost no one contributed and he was all like, “You all suck! You just don’t know a good movie idea when you see one!”

Not if you live in the US or Canada. No Netflix for us.

Sounds interesting. I hope it will allow importing object files and creating texture maps from what you have painted.

I watched this video. Great video...and...actually, his conclusion was that Jimmy is the real deal. He pointed out how easily Jimmy was brought to laughter when he was on SNL. They also use Jimmy as an example to basically teach “How to Make Friends and Influence People”. I subscribed, because I want to use his

As a teacher myself, there is no way I would personally condone a student intervening like that. Good kid or not, putting himself in the middle of that fight might have just as easily lead to a much more complex situation.

I know I am super behind on my Supergirl news, because I just started watching it, but I was very happy last night to see that Supergirl’s mom is the woman who played supergirl in the less-than-cult-classic “Supergirl” movie, and her dad is former Superman, Dean Cain. That was just a great cameo for both of them.

I like what you are saying about people not being good at self-critiquing. I do agree though, that you over generalized with your statement.

This would all be so much simpler if we could see people’s intentions as easily as we see their actions. But, frankly, I am damned glad people can’t see my intentions (I probably would not be married for long if they could), because there are MANY things I do because I’m supposed to be nice, and I want to feel like a

I don’t think the majority of conservatives would have a problem with this woman having this procedure done. Please stick with me until the end if you have read this far. I wouldn’t consider myself a conservative, but my views on abortion are pretty conservative. I do not agree with people having the unrestricted