
Thank you. I agree with you, and I tentatively dislike BlueBeard.

I think the author is jumping to some staggering conclusions here, with little or no evidence to back up his suppositions. Just because the welfare of the boy is not the primary purpose for the post in no way insists on the conclusion that the police do not care about the welfare of the boy. While I think the author

Interesting. Thanks for the post.

Got it. I will check it out. Never heard of it until today.

Be prepared to pay 25-30 dollars for having your mind blown! It is expensive. But...I digress from my original thought. I’m a Christian, and I thought it was pretty stupid. My then girlfriend asked me to go, thinking they may convince me that my allegorical interpretation of the Genesis story and my appreciation for


Boy he looks warn out after all that species saving! Way to take one for the team, Diago!

LOL So jaded!

You are entitled to your opinion, but Lie to Me was very enjoyable for some of us.

Right...well...I assumed the story arch would have something to do with a deep dark underbelly occurring within the Magic world. Hopefully more than one villain.

I really like the idea of a show based on a consulting illusionist. I think that is a GREAT concept. Here’s hoping it does not suck...OR...that it is really good like “Lie to Me” and the network doesn’t pull it for bullshit reasons.

Indeed! I was just thinking...I wonder if she will be more than mentally crazed eye candy this time around? I frankly could look at Margot all freakin day long, but I want more out of a movie than that...unless they are going porno with it! LOL

The suit, minus the goggles, looks remarkably like the suit from “Batman: Arkham Knight”. If only they could make this movie half as great as the games were, they’d have a pure winner.

So I am one of those people who is a devoted follower of the Star Trek franchise. Into Darkness was the first Trek film I did not see in the theater, but I will undoubtedly add it to my Trek collection, which includes every series, every season, and every movie ever released. However, I won’t be watching this Star

When I saw the film, I think I loved it because it was the first film that I had seen that successfully combined Sci-Fi and Horror with each other. I suppose you could argue for old movies like “The Fly” or “It came from Outer Space” but Alien was absolutely terrifying...from the moment they set foot on LV-426. Your


There are certain traits of the Alien that are just psychologically unsettling and viscerally frightening. Lack of visible eyes is always unsettling. The eyes are a very important mode of communication for us humans, and lacking eyes or other key facial expressions is down right frightening for us. Tongues are another

Yeah...tidal movement depends on a lot of factors that we do not have information on right now. We are assuming that is an ocean, but it might just be a big lake, which would change the way that orbiting bodies effect it. We are assuming an Earth size planet, but, if this planet is like...Jupiter size, well then those

Yeah...if they were going to exterminate us, they’d probably just do it in one action from orbit, with chemical or biological weapons...not come down and say hello first.

LOL Very funny.