
Show us Ashley’s Oh face!

Exactly. I have a solution and it is simple....people need to lighten the hell up. All of a sudden, you can’t have an Asian person that “does” typically Asian things unless you are an Asian Director? did get my point. I stand corrected. To be fair, in the web series for Star Trek: New Voyages (I think), Kirk has a gay nephew who is assigned to the Enterprise for a while. Also, I think Star Trek has wanted to have gay characters...but the networks have always stood in their way. But...all sarcasm aside,

Oh...yeah...that. Didn’t see that...smiley face.

I loved Myst. And then came RealMyst, which was even better. It is darn tough to get it to play on modern computers, but there are patches to make it work.

Hush was a great flick!

The idea of individualized mag strips is a great solution...but not one that would have been very available in the 90s. I’m sure the technology was out there, but it was not being used very often, and the individualization would have been tough to maintain with the computers of that day.

Wonder how long it will take for someone to find signs of alien life in these images?

Nice article. Voyager is probably my favorite series in the franchise overall.

I’d watch that. Revenge of the Tribble. No more purring around!

This is hilarious! That movie sucked. It was so sloppy.

I despise the JJ Abrams films...not because they are bad movies, but because they destroyed the original Star Trek timeline in favor of what Paramount viewed as re-invention of the Star Trek franchise. That said, Into Darkness sucked. Kahn was turned from a middle eastern warrior to a tea drinking male version of a

The Omega Glory was terrible episode, made terrible by taking the idea of parallel development too far...with a constitution and flag that were somehow incidentally identical to those of the United States. It was such an absurd leap in logic, that the episode became laughable.

I’ve always suspected that matter left behind in the holodeck is re-purposed through some transporter cleanup. Re-purposed for what...not sure, but cleanup would be high in protein, right? Maybe re-purposed for the food replicators? LOL

Agree totally. See my post above. It says almost the same thing. is quite clear that Paramount wants to minimize the origins of this franchise. One of the posters for beyond had no mention of Star Trek on it...just the word “Beyond” and the only character in the poster was the new girl for the film. Paramount has, themselves, forgotten, quite deliberately, that they are

Janeway was the best.

Hopefully you are kidding, as Ancient Aliens has been debunked the hell out of.

I love it when Scientists are like “No WAY!” and then evidence eventually forces them to conclude....”Way.”

You apparently missed my point entirely, but that’s fine.