Kevin Rusley

It's actually kind of a "Screw Destiny" story without really meaning to be. There's the baby prophecy that gets the story going, but nothing about the baby really leads to the villain's downfall, nor the heroes really being in the right place. She gets hit by lightning at the last second and its over. Or am I

If it was between this and more Agent Carter, I can't really complain about this outcome.

DC's New 52. I spent several years, starting around Identity Crisis, buying tons of titles all over the DC line. I was on top of things all throughout 52, Amazons Attack, Countdown, Final Crisis, all of it. Up until Flashpoint, I was buying more comics monthly than I'd ever bought in my life.

If he'd shot an unarmed black kid on camera, he'd at least be getting paid leave.

That's just what I said!

Is anybody else reminded of Patton Oswalt's bit about the Star Wars prequels?
"Do ya like Batman? Well in this show, you get to see him as a little kid! Yeah, he's like a kid whose parents die and he's really sad."…