Kevin Rhodes

Very much depends on where you live. I see them daily in Portland, ME, aside from my own. But you can go a LONG time in most of the country without seeing one. Certain places "get" station wagons, but most of the country does not. They were a tiny percentage of e9x sales in the US. Maine is VERY much wagon country.

LOL - sure, but I plan to be buried in this car (God willing and the creek don't rise). I really only use it for trips, and at almost 4 years old it only has 30K on it. Stickshift wagons come up now and again, but most of them tend to be loaded M-sport cars for all kinds of silly money.

I puked out the back window of one of these several times as a child, my Grandparents had one just like it. Only in a bilious shade of green. Inside and out. With fake bark. Shudder. The car that taste forgot.

BMW e91s and e61s are pretty rare. That would be previous generation 3-series and 5-series station wagons. For that added unicorn spec, try to find an e91 with RWD and a stickshift - MAYBE 50 per year sold in the US. Mine has a special order exterior color and a special order interior color, so is mostly likely 1 of 1

For a car that was only sold for 1.5 years, they are not that rare in New England. I see multiples a week. But this is Saab country. IIRC, ~10K of them made it to the US.

There is no worthy response to someone who simply won't admit that they are just plain dead wrong, despite multiple people clearly showing them that they are wrong. You obviously do not understand what is meant by "same sausage different lengths". The Lada is NOT an example of this concept. It doesn't matter that

Kid, you are living up to your name. Just give it up.

Building the same car with minor updates for a long time is not "same sausage different lengths". Same sausage different lengths is making a LINE of cars of different sizes that all look very much the same. Lada only made ONE car for all those years, not a small Lada, a medium Lada, and a big Lada that all look pretty

I fail to see how anyone with eyes could mistake one for the other. Current Audis do all pretty much look alike, but I am fine with that for the simple reason they all look GREAT.

And almost identical to the Fiat that it is based on that is much older yet. But not really the point of the post...

It helps immensely. I'm 45, single, no kids, and have a great job. I also bought a cheap house back in '01 (though putting piles of money into it now), that I still share with a roommate. $1000/mo car payments are no big deal at this point in my life, and I only have car payments at all because it would cost me more

My first encounter was on my first trip to Europe in '92, had just taken off from JFK on a TWA 747 headed for Frankfurt, when an AF Concorde went by us like we were standing still in the air off to the right and above. The definition of "climbing like a homesick angel" compared to the lumbering 747. Maybe 5 minutes

Not exactly durable and easy to service, but definitely rapid.

More like Bangle at his LEAST. Nothing extraneous on that car at all. No weird lines, creases, or forms. Shame the Z4 couldn't look like this.

So true. As I like to say when it is pointed out that the Bangled 5 and 7 set sales records for BMW - Imagine how many they would have sold if they had been good looking? The e38 and e39 were nearly perfectly formed and proportioned, but the e60 and e65 were lumped flame surfaced hot messes. That e65 pictured in the

My first car was a hand-me-down '82 Subaru GL. 4dr, 5spd, A/C but no power steering. In "Shiny Maroon" on tan tweed cloth. With a fetching teak-slatted trunk rack. Given to me by my Grandmother my senior year of high school, fall of '86. Went to college the following year, and sold it to one of my roommates at the end

It varies by state in the US. In some states the plates stay with the car. CA for sure, TX I think as well. Vanity plates are a money-spinning racket in many states - in mine, you both pay to have the plate made to order, and then you pay more every year to keep it. I have 'PAZZO' on my 500 Abarth, seemed appropriate.

Or you can just use a CD.

The car has a *$6300* stereo. Suck it up and burn some CDs. Or buy a new one for an extra $70K or so, it will have the latest "infotainment".

Both the still and the dogs are legal issues, no need for a HOA, that's what the cops and animal control are for, my taxes at work. My next door neighbor has had a dead pickup in their driveway for a couple years - no skin off my back. My own house desperately needed a paint job for a couple years before I got it