
at one time... about 2012,...I had my 250,000 mp3's uploaded... and lost my backup. the only place all my mp3's existed were in Amazons cloud. Some nice helpdesk representative, understood my plight.. AND coinciding with some downloading issues on my Amazon music player,.. agreed to have ALL 250000 of my Mp3's

Ipad 3 for new "tablet" users (me!) is FANTASTIC!!... lovin' every minute of it!~

@wittyname.... yes you can! I do!... somewhere in the settings.. in AMAZON, you need to link your TIVO... when you purchase it, you choose to send it to your TIVO... as opposed to sending to computer.. then in your TIVO, it starts appearing as a movie downloading.... within a few min, you can start playing it...

I think Giz crashed their servers.... :/

OMG.. fyi.. @everyone...... Ok... I'm a newbie to tablets,.. because of one specific reason.... I waited until I was going to be shocked by viewing Comics on a tablet.... this is the ONLY main reason (yea movies, and just overall tablet concept is in there, too, but).. COMICS...was the reason I wanted and waited for

cool.. downloaded and now trying it.. just got the whole Walking Dead graphic novel series :) ? i have it, haven't tested it out though

Out of Stock :(

Does ComicZeal support unrestricted/'homemade" .cbr files?

can the marvel app play homemade (gasp!) .cbr files? ***homemade**... heh

haha this is me!!!


and... what's so bad about that last picture?

do u use ONLY itunes for your music? i have Media Monkey too. which i use more.. to cataloge/tag/... manipulate.. i still havent found the best way to remove dups i think are worthy of removing..

how many of your 90k songs are duplicates from different albums,.. ie.. 1 original album...2 other compliations/soundtracks... where you might have the same EXACT song.. just 3 different album titles.. ? my 79k song database has LOTS of those duplicates :(

which one? id like to see specs.... i guess beside the monitor... im also looking at specific ports available.. Ie Esata.. & HDMI out... as well as 7200 RPM hard drives... yea... i should have been more specific.

call me when 17.3" screen laptops are under 450.

i am having the mute issue!!! thought it was a signal/location connection issue... yea.. glad i read this, thought it was me~!!!

nighttime photos... still haven't figured out if its even possible to take a pic outside at night... i took one out and about the other night, trying to get my girlfriend and a street sign ... and the flash splashes everything out.. and isn't working (or Im not doing it) right... ??? I suppose up close pics are

I think an in depth "interview" at the time the call is placed to make the order will alleviate a LOT of the time at the install. Also.. I seem to recall a law coming into play that requires a cable provider allow "do it yourself" installs by request... send me my equipment via whatever shipping method, and I'll do