Kevin Mcshea

It is still beyond sad the the promise that seemed to come for the X-men's future from Joss Whedon's Astonishing run… did not actually carry into the rest of the X-books. Though I would NEVER want to have not gotten Peter David's AMAZING X-factor titles… all the directions the books started to take… with things like

Ultimate Aunt may is depicted about 50… so… it is "in the comics" just not 616

and sadly next will likely be that hair length…

so did I when I saw it, but listening to commentaries and the like learned after the fact.

funny you split the two apart… as she was playing Gabriel as a man in Constantine. (as in the character, in the movie, she appeared as on screen, her version, was a man)

Still hope he isn't in Civil War…

wow… no "and hopefully will with AKA Jessica Jones" following "as it ostensibly did with Agent Carter"… Kind of surprised at that…

YES! Superhero is not a genre! If it is, then all of Mythology, Star Wars, Die Hard, Samurai movies, Westerns… etc are all superhero also.

Are we sure it is not just Claremont is not allowed to make new characters?

Yup animation thing not Surprising… freaking White Washing of Big Hero 6 which should be set in Japan, instead being set in "San Fransokyo" or whatever so that they can make more of the characters white…