Kevin Mcgue

"It’s a fool’s errand to try to unpack what actually does and does not happen to Bates."
-Allen has said in interviews that the whole weekend takes place in Sandy's head, while he is in his Manhattan apartment, contemplating the mortality of the rabbit his housekeeper has killed for his dinner.

Also, how did this interview neglect to ask her about working with Woody Allen?

Even though "Dead of Winter" is not that well known of a film, it is probably her biggest part in a film, and should have been on this list…

Well, there is a scene in which young men on the street steal his American overcoat. After that, he gets the sniffles. Sometimes a cough is just a cough.

What? No release on Edison wax cylinders or player piano rolls?

Too bad that after all that work and expense, the police unions are just going to walk in and smash up the projectors with their nightsticks.

I did not create a homage to silent cinema. I did nawt. Oh, hai, Mark.

Does this mean the Godzilla rip off movie was killed?

I have a problem with Brie. She says I locked her in a shed. So how are you?

I saw this way back in October of last year in Tokyo and assumed it had already come and gone in the US. I already forgot Michael Shannon was in it. Lucy Punch is the best thing in it, and she is on the screen about 2 minutes.

And Shanghai Surprise.

Battleship and now this? Time to give a final polish to my spec script based on Chinese Checkers.

And the "honor" comes with a bill for $30,000 dollars, the price for installing the star. Yes, the honorees have to pay for it. At least Toshiro Mifune won't have to pay, which is good as the yen is weak at the moment.

"Are you a director or a zombie?" "Throw a piece of brains on the floor and find out."

When do we get "Tony", a live action origin story of the chef in "Lady In The Tramp," showing his narrative when he is not feeding pasta to dogs?

It was too much for me. I just opted for the frozen peas level.

Or whose dad was a cop that died, but not in the line of duty. When he was just sitting around the house.

"…is driven by the desire to posthumously please her father, a cop killed in the line of duty." Every cop in a film has a cop father who died in the line of duty.

This will make me sound like a party-pooper, but I wonder if she licensed the character from the Charles Addams Foundation. My guess is probably not, and the sudden popularity of this web series will probably result in a cease and desist letter.

There is already an excellent documentary on this topic. Can't it just rest at that? On the other hand Will Ferrell can probably film this and his role as Russ Meyer at the same time.