Kevin Mcgue

The majority was actually filmed in Toronto. Just exteriors under the Hollywood sign, on Hollywood Blvd and Rodeo drive were in LA. Everything else was Canada. Characters eat in a Toronto dinner and step out onto the sidewalk of Hollywood Blvd.

AMPAS didn't fail to nominate this for an Oscar because it thinks scary movies are for kids. Although the members may think that, The Babadook wasn't eligible for a nomination because its VOD release in the States proceeded theatrical. A list of the eligible films shows doesn't include this film.

Thank you for pointing this out. There was an article in Time magazine calling her a "long shot", but if the film isn't eligible, she isn't either.

Other romantic comedies to win the Best Picture Oscar: You Can't Take it With You (also Capra), The Apartment, and Annie Hall (if you count it as a rom-com) and that's about it.