
Right!?! It's really not that bad, FROM comes out and says it's working as intended, but very different from previous installments. Yet they still refuse to accept it lol. I don't get the hate over everything, it's either too much fan service, or not enough because it's too complicated.

Hey! I think Poise has a minimum of two functions. I posted one I also spent A LOT OF TIME testing. I actually got the full Frame counts for rolls, how it gets interrupted, and how Poise affects this. Even though it was attributed to Equip Load very early on, that was not entirely true. I posted a cheap video I made,

Now playing

Hey Patrick, I’m not a streamer at all, in fact I used a trial version for this to count frames, but I’M PRETTY DAMN SURE I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT!!! I’ve been working on this for days, hypotheses, after hypotheses, until this one has held-up through countless trials and re-counts. I’m 100% Positive this is what Poise