The other day, the Mother of one of my clients told me I reminded her of Spencer Reid from "Criminal Minds". My only response was, "Well, it's better than Sheldon Cooper".
The other day, the Mother of one of my clients told me I reminded her of Spencer Reid from "Criminal Minds". My only response was, "Well, it's better than Sheldon Cooper".
That's because the second and third books are basically a two-parter. If Sony is still unsure of how big an audience there is, it makes sense for a new movie to be a self-contained story
This gives George Amberson Minifer's self-declared desire to be a Yachtsman a distinctively dark undertone…
There's nothing inherently wrong with turning The Wizard of Oz into a fantasy story told through politics (that's essentially what L. Frank Baum's books were, after all), but "Emerald City" failed by trying so desperately to ape "Game of Thrones" that it lost much of its own identity in the process.
I can't wait for scene after scene of white guys shaking their heads over how much the woman "just doesn't get it" and lamenting over how much better she would be doing had she just listened to everything they suggested instead.
She's also in Darren Aronofsky's "Mother!"
November 10th.
OS: "President Putin, did you order interference into the United States election?'
VP: "No I did not."
OS: (turns to camera) "Well I'm convinced. What more proof do you need?"
I have a mild fascination with yellowface performances. I mean, it's racist as all hell, but actors who are made to play different races put themselves in a really unique position, acting-wise. Like when Marlon Brando played a Japanese man in "Tea House of the August Moon" there were reports that some people demanded…
Also obstruction and governing. When you spend a decade or so basing your whole platform on blocking and breaking shit, you can't help but be a bit flummoxed when you're expected to build or maintain something.
There was a Bill Watterson biopic called "A Boy and His Tiger" on the Black List a few years back. It was fairly boilerplate biopic stuff, with a few elements that are noteworthy enough to ensure it will never be made:
Don't forget "Stranger Than Fiction"!
I imagine it will end up being somewhat similar to the Ashton Kutcher "jOBS", showing a few of the dickish things he did but rationalizing it because of how "visionary" and "revolutionary" it all was. As Nathan Rabin so memorably put it, "A hagiography of an asshole".
I think there's an important distinction between a comic actor and an actor doing comedy. Any talented actor can work in a comedic role if the script and (especially) direction is strong enough, but it takes a certain type of actor to be able to make material funny simply by performing it.
I was thinking about that… given Trump's propensity towards projection (along with his tweets complaining about Obama that in hindsight are more about jealousy than policy differences) I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to strip the White House bare during the process of leaving, the way the Clintons were (falsely)…
"Gentlemen as you can see, I put my pants on backwards!"
Colin Farrell is a perfect example of a natural character actor who is forced into leading man roles because of his Movie star looks. He almost always seems uncomfortable as a mainstream lead… He needs freedom to be weird.
I am of the opinion that Capcom should sell or at least license the Mega Man franchise to Nintendo. I mean, they're clearly not interested in doing anything new with it, and Nintendo has a great track record of reinventing classic characters in fresh ways.
What we really need is an anime continuation of the "Mega Man Legends" franchise.
If this is made along the same lines as 'A Walk Among the Tombstones' (one of the most underrated movies of recent years) I'm all for it.