
Not familiar with this guy's work, but as long as Doug Walker stays the fuck away from this, I'm fine.

The world seemed well envisioned, but I was taken aback by how clean and almost sanitized everything looked. I don't demand that all characters in dystopian works have bad teeth and dress in filty rags, but if we weren't told straight away that this was post apocalyptic, I wouldn't have guessed it.

Isn't that one about Soccer?

When Mancini made a guest appearance on the Hannibal podcast "This is Our Design" he mentioned that he had been a fan of the show for its first two seasons and often exchanged emails with a friend who was a crew member, and eventually the friend encouraged him to contact Bryan Fuller for a job on the show. As it turns

Because this is a movie, and movies are allowed breaks from reality if they so choose (even in a fact-based context).

You only ever seem to see those kind of TV spots for faith-based dramas and particularly intense horror/exploitation films.

He also served as a writer/producer for Season 3 of "Hannibal". Not a feature film, but it's a different sort of animal than Chucky, to be sure.

If you do not support this, you are a bad person.

And about 20% strings of bad puns.

Season 3 wasn't at the same level of the first two, but I'm always excited for more "Luther". Now hopefully they can get that feature film off the ground next.

There was a great LA Weekly article for "99 Homes" where the interviewer decided to play Monopoly with Michael Shannon. It's pure gold:

Apparently, David Fincher wanted to direct this screenplay at one point, and he wanted Keanu Reeves in the lead part. With that in mind, and knowing how pretty much all of the reviews have mentioned how safe and bland it is, I've seriously got to wonder how much of the final screenplay was really Knight's rather than

People so finicky when it comes to demographics. Good movies and TV shows have to be made for "Adults" but not "old people", and movies made for "your Dad" are uniformly singled out for derision. It's as if the only age group that matters is 21-39.

Internet people like Ricky Gervias hosting awards shows because he's just as bitter and entitled as they are. Gervais's material is basically an internet comments section recited in a British accent (which means it's classy).

Yeah, it's pretty clear the writers are rewriting the continuity of the series as they go along(which is probably the best strategy). I can imagine the next movie may end with some renegade humans launching a nuclear missile battery as a "taking you with us" strategy against the Apes. That could both end the trilogy

When Ronda Rousey was announced as the star, I became genuinely pumped for this movie. Nick Cassavetes as director… not so much. If Rob Cohen wasn't staying on as director I was hoping for someone like Karyn Kusama.

Sounds a bit like "Parasite Eve" (the novel, not the PlayStation game).

They're dumping "Restaurant: Impossible "? Shit. Love that show.

Can we just retire the "DiCaprio is desperate for an Oscar" meme? It's so reductive and insulting to a guy who clearly wants to make great, adult movies.

Even better was this exchange between the detectives directly after: