
I was able to buy it used from a video store, recognizing the title from Roger Ebert's reviews. It was absolutely not what I expected, and much better for it.

He did the music for "Shotgun Stories"

I've seen some episodes of "Law & Order: SVU" that used it. That could be the difference between ABC and NBC, or a difference between sitcoms and crime dramas.

There are plenty of ideas that are, if not impossible, at least unproven or impractical that are still always accepted in fiction. Take hypersleep/suspended animation, for instance. It's so ubiquitous among stories of interstellar travel that one could be forgiven for not realizing it has never been implemented for

That one's definitely on my list. I like the idea of a sci-fi/horror movie with an actual, historical basis rather than just using "based on true events" as spice for a generic story.

This is NOT the "Law & Order" revival I was looking for, NBC!

Not kidding at all… News about a remake hasn't made me this excited since the Fincher/Flynn/Affleck remake of "Strangers on a Train" was announced.

Not that it was crap… that it's his personal benchmark for "So Bad it's Good". Which means it's still a bad movie, but at least has worthwhile qualities.

It's going to happen, one of these days. I'm still holding out hope. After all, a good episode of "Law & Order" is just as satisfying as 3-4 episodes of a good serialized drama.

Van Buren

He was also the only worthwhile part of "jOBS", giving a really good performance as Steve Wozniak.

It's happening in Chicago. Kevin Pollack is playing Roger:

Well, he DID try to be Italian in "Lorenzo's Oil"…

To paraphrase Roger Ebert, Robert Redford doesn't make enough movies to make a movie this bad!

I was hoping that part stuck out to somebody else. I'll bet a Venn diagram of parents who force their kids to call them "sir" and parents who think hitting their kids is an appropriate form of discipline would be pretty much a circle

Yeah, ever since I was young I have been big into unsolved mysteries, conspiracy theories, mythology, folk tales, etc. and UFOs/Alien abductions fit beautifully into all of those categories. My favorite books and shows about them look at the stories through a historical or comparative context, allowing everybody to

I love Hannibal's prison-bound "I don't give a fuck" attitude. Mads is clearly having a blast just messing with people. "Certifiably Bitchy" indeed.

That final jump scare lowered the rating at least half a level for me. Everything leading up was SO GOOD, but just when you think it's going to leave you satisfyingly neurotic and twitchy…. BAM! DEMON FACE!

On the (far too rare) occasions when I am able to watch "Hannibal" as it airs on TV, I usually catch the last 5-10 minutes of "Aquarius" leading in to it.
It's… so… brown!!! The visuals are so drab that when "Hannibal" finally comes on it's like a cleansing shower.

"The line kind of blurs with Wiseau also becoming his own T.J. Eckleberg, staring down at people from a massive, inexplicable billboard"
Beautifully put. I never thought of it that way. Now if James Franco doesn't include that image in his film adaptation, I'll be sorely disappointed.