
Did you play it?

Your face

How did the editing make you think Michael Bay? There was lots of restraint, hanging on long shots for a good amount of time. The camera seemed to primarily be coming from an omniscient static point of view or that of another character, not just flying around looking at whatever is exploding. That’s the opposite of

More of a rope burn than a third degree.

It’s 66 in a 65 zone instead of mass murder.

170ish Boston boys on Deadspin today

Why do you keep calling it Ballghazi? At this point it’s just confusing and only funny to deadspin staff. It’s like smelling your own farts or public masturbation.

I’m a lifelong gamer. You are making us look like a bunch of babies.

I disagree. Both chants are bad but if I had to pick a more “vile” one, it’s the Brooklyn crowd.

“we are awesome.” Well, no, the NXT crowd was awesome.

Kevin Dunn?

I think that was Kojima giving Konami what they want, generic hyperbole. It’s hysterical.


My mom threw away my computer when I went to college and it had like 20 original songs and 30 original videos on it. This was right before youtube so they are gone forever. Nothing absolutely groundbreaking, but still, I would give a lot to see and hear that stuff again.

You don’t get it. I was only trying to help you understand why a woman with high testosterone wasn’t allowed to compete. There are reasons, they are in the article, I explained a few of them to you. I’m not trying to argue if it’s right or wrong, just help you see that it’s not just some one sided thump job. Go be

Try letting your guard down and be objective. The Y chromosome is obviously how you tell men and women apart. However, the Y chromosome is not what scientists currently believe gives men a competitive advantage in athletics. They currently believe it’s the testosterone that gives men the advantage. Just read the

Well the article gives a bunch of reasons. The major issue is with how we differentiate between mens and women’s sports. Right now it’s the testosterone, so technically women born with extremely high testosterone qualify as men as far as competition goes. It’s messed up and I don’t totally agree but that’s the

apples and oranges.

Did you read the article?