I always thought what made Kratos interesting is he is a traditional “kill it all” video game character with added narrative. It’s like Contra but with just enough context to where you don’t question why you are killing anything that moves.
I always thought what made Kratos interesting is he is a traditional “kill it all” video game character with added narrative. It’s like Contra but with just enough context to where you don’t question why you are killing anything that moves.
ok so what does he want then? What is an acceptable outcome?
Could be a weird child proof thing. This way you have to have a phone to chat, which means kids too young to know any better can’t chat with strangers. Seems like a Nintendo thing to do.
New idea for a Switch commercial:
Pictures or it didn’t happen
Can’t believe Kotaku has had it for a week and didn’t try that....
This entire article was typed while looking down your nose at the screen.
But what if the connection is you could have spent that time watching film instead of vacationing? Like if I had a really important work meeting or finals for school, I wouldn’t go on vacation right before it, I would wait until after the meeting or finals.
You don’t have to change her, and you probably can’t. But I do think putting her on a platform where she is openly laughed at might keep even more people from falling into her bubble.
It’s fine to not like this article, because I know I’m not going to change your (or anyone else’s) mind
“Most NES games have not aged very well.” - Jason Schreier
Way to just make up the whole repeatedly blowing the whistle part.
(Browns fan)
The whole open about a clumsy Batman falls extremely flat. You could say that about any video game, the user input decides how cool or accurate the protagonist comes off. That is the chief difference between games and film, we have to stop acting like they are one and the same.
Written by someone who isn’t around kids much.
Can we get a number attached to “very short”?
What’s worse, the linking of arms, or critiquing it like a high school play?
It’s 2. WHY OLD
And tech blogger tears