Kevin K

Guy I used to be friends with* led a really good anti ticket and anti red light/traffic camera campaign. One of his good tips on how to get out of tickets in our State was to use the sick excuses that the State allowed. Essentially you had three of them on the first two of the the excuses if you said you were sick the

Arby’s launched a marketing campaign based around them switching to coke a year or two ago.

Rob Long has said in the opening episode of the treatment you allude to it would have Niles come out as gay.

It would also have Niles come out as gay.

Already on my resume line bud. But like most things you are late to the game. 

My headline “The Takeout needs new takes.”

Whim, wham, wazzle.

Chili’s is one of the most reliable of sit down chains I’ve found when I travel. Plus yea they do have a pretty good beer menu, that usually features a couple local places. 

Keke Palmer was enjoyable on herself. The rest of the show was very meh. 

Now if they could just get Super Dave back.

Bonus tip on how to avoid the worst lines at the grocery store. Don’t shower before you go in. 

Stopped in at Red Robin recently for that $10 deal because it included the burger I usually ordered there years past.

Harry Styles could throw skittles at me.

Student loans and cauliflower have zero relation to fraudulent banking.

Nah bud. Masterson is a terrible person, but don’t blame someone for not working to help the prosecution.

I have several old acquaintances from college who I’m friends (or whatever the terms are these days) who I can tell are still trying to become influencers. They have decent careers and by any measure many would be envious of what they have. But the influencer has become the new MLM just without an up front loss.

Serkis character at the end of the prison break just saying “I can’t swim” was perfect. 

Hopefully she doesn’t cheat like her husband.

I think they are also toning it up in her appearance. Noticed in this episode the outfit was a little more fascistic. Having the long tight trench coat on sure not the same colors of the old black/brown shirts, but the same style. 

I’ve always gotten those chicken little sandwiches at KFC which is basically the same thing just with a traditional bun. Plus you can get them tossed in any of their sauces if you want.