Kevin K

I don’t like to work for my food. If I want sauce and chicken I opt for sauced chicken nuggets (read boneless wings.)

The only important difference: tonic contains sugar, and calories. About the same level as a Coke. 

It’s sad that the losing team gets put down, but hey I don’t write the rules. 

Never expected Applebee’s big move with most likely paying for that song in the first place, was a stealth advertisement during the AFC Championship game. 

I still have no idea what happened on Invasion, and I just watched it the other week. 

So I’ll just give the few reasonings large corporations have for not allowing tips. First I’ll stipulate I worked in corporate retail for about a decade and one of my main tasks was overseeing transactions on their video records after the fact where I did have to look for things like tips being given. My examples will

No. A good follow if you have Instagram or Twitter is Bill Oakley, the Man who should be Nobel Laurate for fast food opinions, and also former Simpsons showrunner. He points out if you order these “hacks” McDs will give you the sandwiches at a prorated price, but you have to assemble the sandwiches yourself.  

Yes the first thing I forgot to add was the Mandalorian Chieftain was probably rounding up to an even number (just for quick narrative telling.)

Number one cause of death.

My old college Sunday hangover cure (well more of hangover abatement) was a sausage McMuffin (which means no egg) get two hashbrowns, and a large soda.

Enjoyed the episode, and in the opening it did exactly what I wanted which is having Mando cut in half one of those space cows on the meat racks.

If I understand my timeline somewhat correct the Empire comes up 21 years Before Battle of Yavin(BBY). Empire Strikes Back is a year After Battle of Yavin (ABY) with the time it takes finally rescue Han is 2.5-3 years after that.

Also in Illinois it’s coming to light that one of the largest COVID testing site companies was defrauding both insurance companies and the government, by repeatedly sending in old tests as new ones. They just went for numbers of test sent in, and didn’t take any steps to make sure anything was done properly other than

I think Chipotle puts crack in their food. Almost every time I eat it I say “that was pretty meh”, but then a week later I say “I need my Chipotle fix”. 

Never liked Manson for the simple fact that we should never trust anyone who made their stage name based on Charles Manson. 

It took years of public accusations against the guy who played Hyde on “That 70's Show” to finally have him charged. Expensive Lawyers and Scientology (I don’t think the latter applies to Manson) can hold a lot of this shit up. Manson deserves his day in court, but that’s the thing it should have happened much sooner. 

Pork Chop sandwich is Central and Southern Illinois. 

He was drinking a Fosters. 

And there’s the edit I wish I could make. Queen Mary in Long Beach is what I meant. Should have done a quick Google double check before posting so it’s on me.

Now what will I physically relieve myself to?