Bought the collection and it feels janky.
Bought the collection and it feels janky.
No one from Chicago or Illinois for that gives a crap about ketchup on hot dogs. The only sticking point is that a Chicago style hot dog does not have ketchup on it.
Don’t give them any ideas.
If people are in my house, I’m serving up knuckle sandwiches.
Lewis has a win in every season of his career. Every World Champion he has raced against has said he is one of, if not the best.
You could see anytime she was asked an F1 specific question she had to defer to something else. I have nothing against Danica commentating on certain things but she has no F1 background.
Wasn’t even her bodyguard it was probably manager or someone related to that, that thought she couldn’t be trusted to say anything. Her actual body people tried to put some distance. If her manager didn’t want her to talk he should have said that in advance, and then whatever Constructor brought her in should have…
Yea I didn’t like that from Brundle. Sky had already made clear Stiller was not doing media. The guy was there taking his son to his first Grand Prix and didn’t want to do press, and probably didn’t have any projects coming up that he needed to promote.
I was a little bothered my Brundle talking to Stiller Brundle said it himself before engaging Stiller that Stiller said “no press”.
Yea this is kind of my take. Whatever team invited her should have better prepared them. You are on the grid for the most popular sporting series in the world. Why the F do you think you are invited? To be silent? Stallion and Williams probably turned themselves out a lot to British and American audiences of the race.
I’ll keep it short cause this is probably just gonna stay in the grays.
It’s not the first time he’s played dumb. I think he likes to do it.
I watched it at home. Also left it on for my dog (he does like some tv on when no one is home) for the streaming numbers.
Glad to see he still looks to be in good shape, at least in that header image.
Long story short “FX On Hulu” is the aftermath of Disney buying Fox Studios they had these shows originally ordered by FX when it was in the same company as Fox’s various networks. So they were left as the studio with these shows that the network didn’t necessarily want anymore, because you couldn’t keep all the money…
Just finished the episode, and it was the best hour of television I’ve watched in a while.
It’s in the same vein as even though I keep watching some of the police/agency procedurals, where when they finally track down the suspect in the second act he evades the detectives/agents.
Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
Gawd this looks like a trailer for some D-movie rip off that would go with the name like “Resident Evel”.
Are we, uh, are we the same person?