Kevin K

Hopefully the FBI never catches up with me over all those restaurant reservations I lied about making. 

“Sail” is easily one of AWOL’s mediocre songs. So many better songs he’s released and I know a lot of people who think he is just one note and its all like Sail. 

“Mr. Brightside” came on, on an oldies station the other day. I felt old then. 

I liked “John Carter”.

Yea it was sad to see Red Foreman become a Grand Wizard, but at least he got firebombed. 

From what I understand “Sum of All Fears” is the last book that Clancy primarily wrote, after that he would come up with a general concept and plot points, and then leave it to a ghost writer. Those ones after were fun, but definitely stretches of the imagination.

Reading this one of the things that caught me was that Rhodes is still a Colonel in the Air Force so he is at least drawing an income from there plus pension. Shouldn’t Sam get the same deal if he’s working for the Government. 

I’ve never read a Grisham novel and have no plan to (this from a guy who has read a lot of Clancy books*) but I like “A Time to Kill” film.

Good point.

Wait from that photo, you are telling me Jordan Schlansky is in the show?

It still delivers nicotine which is bad for you. But as long as your not using the ones that are modded by third party drug dealers, vaping is a lot healthier than smoking.

So in other words Tuesday?

If it means preserving our way of life, then I sir am willing to make the sacrifice and contribute to this project.

This is the best comment of the thread. 

So that’s why Jon Elway still has a job?

I was about to rage on hating Central Illinois, then I realized for years I had been turning down a lot better paying jobs than I have in Central Illinois. I love Blo-No and Springfield, but nah I prefer it up north here. 

I’ll sometimes get White Castle if I’m closing in one of the stores I have. I’ve found most of the fast food places outside of T-Bell have been closing at 11 pm since COVID started. So if I want some food I drive the fifteen minutes from the store my office is in after I close up at 11. Food is fine actually taste

I’m in no way defending their words or actions, but it seems sad to me that the media runs the interviews from this guy and the My Pillow guy. In Papa John’s case it seems clear he was a semi functioning alcoholic who has gone off the deep end since all this stuff since that call.

I know two Maybach owners. For both it is their daily driver, and the reason they bought itwell the most expensive S-Class must be the best.”

I’m amazed your dog stayed so photogenic. The second I get to the camera on the phone, my dog refuses to do anything that would make a great photo. Same with the last dog I had.