Kevin K

My parents had a few friends who worked in the world that worked with Jordan. He was an incredible dick and is lucky social media didn’t arrive at the time, and the semi serious gossipers (NY Post and such) didn’t go after him. .

Curb Larry would definitely go out right now, but start yelling at anyone else he saw being outside.

Why do I feel like Dillman is me? Probably fired at both jobs for investigating the upper management when asked to investigate the lowers.

I really hope Skyler Gisonodo wasn’t another show killer. Hoping he is not the attractive Joshua Malina.

He’s sharing a blurb from the review of the last episode. That episode would be the penultimate one. 

I can buy the “dumb in initial response” but if you know those robots are hostile you wait them out. In modern times you can wait the enemy out if they isolate themselves as much as the enemy combatant did to Delos’s forces.

Maybe Hale was all of us the entire time?

I have my reply to the whole logic train on another post in this thread, but yea Westworld is bad about this. I don’t see how Dolores overpowers a well trained team of people if you go by hiring standards for private security are probably ex special operations people.

It reminds me of my complaint on last season when they assaulted the fort. A true hired private army would have set up a crossfire of M2 machine guns to take the sentries and runners out. All the while have a good mortar team just murder the fort.

My prediction would be it’s a you can go back in time and save all the people of Europe from the Nazis. Host revolt and some Nazi bots are in charge. 

I had some thoughts for the show, but they were ruined by the guys at the end. Any trained security professional would not leave their light on, it gives you away more than it helps you.

But he’s history’s greatest monster. 

Come one a year later this lady should have been identified by now.

Right now I am thinking of what Ferrari is doing with its core team? Are they going to keep them out of Italy to support their efforts?

No Deion is the GOAT.

The Third still applies in wartime. Without a legislated procedure for quartering soldiers during war they cannot force you to provide your home.

The thing about the 3rd Amendment is it is great because you never have to invoke it. 

I have ESPN. Really only watch Formula One and Monday Night Football on it. 

What did I do wrong?

The final scene I think made the episode. It went from a “watch it to watch it episode” to I enjoyed that episode.