Kevin Irmiter

I'm glad to see Freakonomics up here, but I have to wonder if it's even worth covering the Marketplace segments. I mean, they're only about 5 minutes long.

I liked the episode too but can't really argue with it being in "The Rest." Funny, but there are some parts that really depend on you to be a regular listener. I was cracking up at some parts, but there were slow patches here and there. The decision to do Would You Rather? without telling us the scenarios was not a

I liked the episode too but can't really argue with it being in "The Rest." Funny, but there are some parts that really depend on you to be a regular listener. I was cracking up at some parts, but there were slow patches here and there. The decision to do Would You Rather? without telling us the scenarios was not a

"Hackery" doesn't mean lowbrow. It just means lazy, trite, mediocre, cliche… basically that the people making it either aren't talented or don't care enough to make something really good and original.

"Hackery" doesn't mean lowbrow. It just means lazy, trite, mediocre, cliche… basically that the people making it either aren't talented or don't care enough to make something really good and original.

Didn't he concede that it was a good episode? I think he was just opposed to the episode because he felt like they were taking things to too extreme a level and writing themselves into a corner. I don't think he ever said the episode was bad so much as that he was worried they wouldn't have anywhere interesting to go

Didn't he concede that it was a good episode? I think he was just opposed to the episode because he felt like they were taking things to too extreme a level and writing themselves into a corner. I don't think he ever said the episode was bad so much as that he was worried they wouldn't have anywhere interesting to go

It may have been a different show, but it was the same Lucy, so our point about people getting the reference enough to laugh at it still stands.

It may have been a different show, but it was the same Lucy, so our point about people getting the reference enough to laugh at it still stands.

Maybe the brownies had shrimp in them.

Maybe the brownies had shrimp in them.

It did feel very tacked on. And while the Paul appearance was funny, my favorite line was uttered by Apu ("I was the fifth Beatle").

It did feel very tacked on. And while the Paul appearance was funny, my favorite line was uttered by Apu ("I was the fifth Beatle").

I had just assumed there were no lyrics.

I had just assumed there were no lyrics.

But the ball! His groin! It works on so many levels!!!

But the ball! His groin! It works on so many levels!!!

This should not be seen as abnormal in any way.

This should not be seen as abnormal in any way.

How the hell could you forget that? I think of it every time I hear (or think about) "The Theme from a Summer Place."