
You have no idea how privileged you are, living in a White country and using White technology. Our people are getting so fed up with your antics we might actually ship you back this time.

lol ahahahaha, this is the end he says as Trump is just being inaugurated, god you guys are too good for a laugh. This is the end of our convo though as I clearly don't care anymore. Any perusal of the comments here by a rational person will see that all the aggression comes from your end. I've been pretty calm and

Oh okay, see you were too busy being pretentious and snarky instead of just clarifying that you didn't imply Spencer was calling for murder. With all the misunderstandings you guys have about the guy I've come to expect wild accusations associated with him.

Whatever issues they had they brought them up (sometimes) respectfully as they could, and weren't going mad in the streets, trashing things, acting like fools, and becoming memes.

I'm a Fucking White Male in a heterosexual relationship with a beautiful, thin, cis White woman. We've been together for 7 years, and she pretty much does anything I want sexually.

lol you're too much, guy. Again with the dissonance. Check your language with the accusation of me having tender feelings. I swear the looney-ness of you leftists is great comedy when it's not so dangerous.

lol wow; I'd report this but I'd rather leave it up here for all to see your idiocy.

Then there must be millions of "homophobic fuckstains." The fact that my comment got removed but yours is still here says it all about you people. You guys are the tyrants who can't leave well enough alone. Every thing has to be your way; you can't live and let live. The hypocrisy of the left is staggering.

Like the guy who said I need a safe space, the dissonance you guys have is incredible. You can't pull off that kind of sarcasm when it's you guys calling for safe spaces in the first place. I was just saying I was bummed he seems more concerned about politics now than his art. Happens to a lot of good artists.

lol oh you mean sometimes he says things years ago and says something else later? Like every other politician ever? But the questions and moral concerns he's capitalizing on now show that there are many people who don't like the Blade Runner future the path we're on is taking us.

Called out and you can't prove your shit. That's the concept.

Yeah but it doesn't sound like you were. On Obama's inaugurations there weren't these marches. At worst there was probably some ticked off rednecks but they weren't destroying property.

Thank you. You're a cool dude. Yeah I can usually separate the two, but it just seems like it's all he's been saying lately…I can already see the new season of Decker just being full of "Drumpf" stuff…I wouldn't mind as much if we got some new Bedtime Stories as well, but it looks like he's full-time activist now.


No idea what this is supposed to mean.

Uh, no it's us who makes fun of you guys for that; you have it backwards. Great try at sarcasm, though; maybe you can be the next Tim.

Your mom sounds like a reasonable person. The Left has been quite looney for a while now and average people are sick of it. This is why Trump was elected.

"threats about murder" source?

Tim was a lot funnier before he got all political. I used to really admire Tim & Eric because they didn't do political stuff. It was nice to not have to hear the junk you constantly hear elsewhere on television…

lol what a loser