
Hey, racist author. Why don’t you mention the recent murder of the “white” person by the police? Oh right. It doesn’t fit your narrative.

Data suggests that you are more likely to be shot, when encountering a police officer, if you are white, than if you are black. It’s just that, unfortunately, minorities are more

The problem with this statistic (there are actually several on Kellerman’s methodology, but I won’t go into those here) is that the figure of gun deaths includes suicides, a more common cause of gun death in the home than homicides and accidents combined. One can reasonably conclude that, while a gun is one of the

He probably isn’t that bad. There area subtle nuances at play when works are translated into English from the original Canadian.

Please note that some people in Japan finds your whitewashing statements hilarious and would likely be using Japanese actors to recreate any Western media.

And the funny part is if it was an adaptation of a Western media it’s be the exact opposite and the people from the original location still wouldn’t care!

Man kills kids = Family Annihilator(tm) programmed to kill by society. NOT mentally ill.

Agreed. This movie looks terrible and it’s obvious Jez has an agenda here.

Why would someone feel the need to desecrate a grave, just b/c more than 100 years ago, a guy wrote a letter to this woman, complaining about the smug expression on her face? Speaking of putting a smile on ones face - here’s hoping you get caught in the act, handcuffed and perp walked with your pants still around your

It's not about them running. It's their criminal records at such a young age. The world lost nothing with their deaths.

All choices have consequences.

I guess you know better than the person who originally thought of the character. You definitely have more authority than he does when it comes to the character he conceived.

Oh my god! A celebrity has their own opinions but knows how to be respectful to people she doesnt agree with!? how crazy is that!?

“Dress how you want to be addressed.”

Got to get clicks, no time for editing and fact checking. Go gawker media or go home.

Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.

why is this non story getting attention?

Why is it that everytime someone has an opinion you don’t like, then they’re MRA’s?

How the fuck does a four year old know what gender they want to be? I wanted to be a robot when I was four. Jesus people. Supporting your children is great but this is insane.

Jill Bolte Taylor’s presentation is full of pseudoscientific, buy-my-book nonsense. Radiates energies? You probably believe in the healing power of crystals and homeopathy and snake oil and bullshit. A fool and his money...

But you’re the type of person who puts an academic credential in a Kinja name, so the rest of us will take our grain of salt now.