That’s pretty easy to say when it’s not your money.
That’s pretty easy to say when it’s not your money.
Jez definitely has their scared cows that are off limits. Minaj and the painfully unfunny Amy Schumer immediately come to mind.
Nicki Minaj might be the most annoying person in America. And yeah, I know about that pharmacy douchebag. Still comfortable with my statement.
Yeah, and a frightening percentage of French Muslims, when polled, are cool with suicide bombings.
Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?
You seem to forget that she self-selected to attend the rally and accept an invitation to sit in the VIP section, instead of saying, “No, thank you.”
I have seen GLOSS several times (as well as the other band) and personally I don’t find either of them good. GLOSS is helping make some room for queers and trans in the punk scene, but their music sucks and regardless I find their look pedestrian and cliche.
All I see is every other Outer Mission Hipster shuffling at Tubesteak at Aunt Charlies. Ugh.....
This comment alone makes me want to never watch any of these
This is like the haters guide to Star Wars, chin-stroking version.
As someone who isn't that big of a Star Wars fan and enjoyed Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith, I kind of want this to happen just for the salt and grown men crying.
So a few rape scenes are now triggering and cliche, but murder in most episodes of most shows is no problem at all. Maybe we should have trigger warnings so the babies can change channel?
Posting false information in order to make some asinine point is, well, asinine. Minimum balance requirement at my bank is $100, at my credit union it’s $20. And they certainly aren’t alone. Do you enjoy pulling false info out of your ass? I would imagine it hurts...
That is just simply not true. Do some research before you post false information.
Sorry, but you have a very narrow view of this subject. Have you ever sat in a college class, with a screaming toddler who won’t shut up? Or have you paid for a ticket for a symposium, only to have to have the speaker leave the podium because her newborn wouldn’t stop crying. I have.
You need to just back away from this now. You’re just looking more and more foolish.
What are you talking about? There is no point or message to this article except pointing out that there is so much DLC, that even on sale the price is astronomical. That isn’t some passive, observational piece of journalism - it’s click bait for known triggers within the community and it’s there to lead the reader to…
Seems like this comes up at least once a year about this same “game”. the devs don’t expect anyone to buy or want to buy all this dlc. It’s a sim made for hardcore train lovers. Not really a game in the traditional sense. Most people into trains are into specific models of trains and would only buy those types so they…