So, you’re on a first name basis with a murderer who recruited her then lover to murder her husband. That is so heartwarming!
So, you’re on a first name basis with a murderer who recruited her then lover to murder her husband. That is so heartwarming!
Who cares, don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. There are more constructive ways to expose your country’s misdeeds that don’t involve going to jail. He’s not a martyr being persecuted, just an idiot. Every segment of the population has dumbasses sprinkled around their ranks, the transgender community which I…
No, this is an MRA myth, it is not supported by any data whatsoever. Look up some of the very respectable sociological / psychological / legal journals in which studies of the “Swedish Model,” etc. have appeared.
No, merely a great many of them. And a great many more, while not technically trafficked, are still coerced, both by pimps and by poverty and social disadvantage. The popular myth of the happy, consenting hooker is a story we love to tell ourselves to avoid facing the brutal reality of what is really happening in the…
Buying industrially produced ice for your fancy-pants victorian icebox because having a fridge is too modern for you....that’s advanced stupid.
Jimmy Kimmel and every other comedian has made jokes about almost every hobby or job under the sun. Skiing, swimming, model train building, backpacking, rock climbing, fellow comedians...the list is endless.
None of those other people lost their shit on the internet when he made a joke about them. Why is gaming so…
There are a handful of things I feel like I’d be happy doing for four years. Pressing “W” is not one of them.
“As long as the woman is enjoying herself, who the hell cares what’s coming out of her body?”
Well, I guess she’s trying to work, or to catch a break herself, but these two don’t seem like they have it so tough. It’s not like they’re dealing with commuting, drop off/pick up schedules, deep household cleaning, or most of the things that people deal with.
I’ll admit that when I got to the part about them having a nanny and a house cleaner, in addition to working from home, I may have strained my eyeballs due to over rolling.
Another classic from the vault
Woah woah woah, so we’re saying that it’s not possible that black people appropriate words and claim them as their own? I’m not sure I can handle this shocking fact!
People that smoke anything in crowded public spaces are the worst. It’s the equivalent of farting all over everyone for as long as whatever you’re smoking is lit.
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
That’s obviously not an answer to my question.
Temperature is just one more thing that the patriarchy controls. This is not about conditioning the air; it’s about conditioning the oppressed classes to accept the cheapest, most convenient, and easiest air that the ruling classes can provide. It is a result of capitalism: An effort to monetize the human condition…
Then you know how small the pool of black engineers is. So why are you bitching, thanks?
Yeah, that’s why there are so many Asians and Indians at these companies - because white men only like to hire white men.
OH MY GOD STOP FUCKING CRYING. HE DIDN’T FUCKING DIE. He made a horrible mistake and in the end, it cost him his job. Is there ANYONE at Gawker who can deal with this within the normal spectrum of human behavior!?