
Bruce killed someone and you’re mad they called HIM is real name? How fucked in the head are you?

You are literally more upset at the fact that TMZ referred to Caitlyn Jenner as “Bruce” than the fact that she KILLED SOMEBODY. Thank you for once again proving social justice activists are sociopaths.

You’re right! We should refer to him/her/she/he/it as murderer instead! Nice catch!

Dear God, enough already. Do you have any self-awareness regarding why people might tire of you easily?

If that’s what outrages you I’d look at redefining your priorities. It’s a far bigger atrocity that she got away with killing someone.

It warms my heart when people wise up and stop accepting shit posts. Keep calling Kotaku out on it, guys!

That’s...not an Easter Egg. That’s called “reusing a model in a blurry background shot to save an hour that would otherwise be wasted on something nobody would notice or care about.”

*loud fart noise echos in an empty room*

“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”

So they’d almost completely copy Apollo.

And you had to cheat to get there.Good job hope you feel good about yourself not actually putting in any effort whatsoever.

I will when people quoting scripture will stop prosecuting, harassing and killing gays, women and people of other religions.

So a woman bravely opposing oppression taking down a symbol of hate, does not move you to tears, but her quoting parts of a book that was once used excuse slavery does?

I mean, I get the point. I just don’t think it’s at all “creepy” or particularly bothersome. If the script is about a lawyer who is fighting for civil rights, then this is pretty awful. But if the role is for a “sexy” woman who wears tight clothes, then it’s fine. Clearly they are more interested in the woman’s looks

Because all breasts are static in the real world too and any motion they show is ridiculous.

That’s one hell of a leap.

I never said I enjoyed killing anyone; I said the fact that the consequences of combat applied not only to my enemies, but to my character and his allies, felt realistic.

But way to stand that Straw Man up proudly, and without the first shred of self-awareness. Good work.

Because when you’re a kid getting excited by a ball makes sense because kids are fucking idiots.

I’d happily fly them a delivery of napalm.

It’s commonly accepted that Fahrenheit provides a more accurate description of the ambient temperature and it’s impact on a person’s comfort level. Celsius is cute when used for science experiments, but little else. I’m a big supporter of the US switching to the metric system, but Fahrenheit is just more accurate when