
So close....

This is exactly why, when people made fun of the name "Wii" and "Wii U," I said Nintendo should've just named it "The Nintendo." They've never had a system called that anyway.

So when does the campaign to get her in Smash Bros. start?

Now playing

Watch this video and let me know how your sleep was.

All I know is, it better have splitscreen multiplayer. I don't want the only way to play with friends to be online.

No, they really do... in the end.

Ya buried the lede. This comic (Infographic? Illustrated essay?) finally reveals the truth: Link is a baritone.

Thanks, it's good to know you're not alone in something like this...

Zelda II is still my favorite Zelda game. Yes, newer games have better stories, gameplay, graphics and so forth, but this is the Zelda game I always find myself going back to play when I have spare time.

That is a fighting game I would actually buy!

Personally, I liked the variation on the formula provided by Link Between Worlds. It's one of the few games in the Zelda series that doesn't have to be beat in any particular order (for the most part). If they could bulk that up by having more than one way to beat a particular puzzle, that would be a fun way to have

Seriously? I haven't pulled it out since about two PCs ago. I have a few old programs that don't play anymore, so I just assumed it wouldn't either.

Well, I waited this long to play the game again... I can wait a bit longer...

For the first time ever, I am considering buying a PS4.

You're not wrong - but I would've like to have been there.

Honestly, the greatest non-game-related feature is internet on the Wii U pad. It's great to be able to call up a video or site while watching something else and just pop it up on the big screen once its loaded up and share with friends hanging out at the house. This is especially great as I can find a second video

Someone needs to make an animated gif of this guy saying "Why not Zoidberg" just for completions sake.

As I'm sure someone else has mentioned, Arthur is from Sword in the Stone. Quasimodo might end up becoming a Big Man on Campus.

Thanks! That's actually one of the first episodes I watched - guess it fell into the vault.