Nintendo: Drawing the Line at $200, for a good long time.
Nintendo: Drawing the Line at $200, for a good long time.
No love for CJ7?
My first thought: An Asteroids remake.
But I want to know what made Local Man's beard newsworthy!
Well, I did my part. One review and one self-aggrandizing blog post.
Sadly, people from work or school who chat with me occasionally. The philistines probably never read a comic!
I know a word that not everyone on the planet knows. Strangely, "heh" is not ubiquitous.
I'm down to an hour of Zelda per week... Such is life.
Thank you. I'm glad someone did it!
You and me both, buddy.
Yeah, but all of those powers were stolen from Namor. For years, all Aquaman could do was breathe underwater and talk to fish, two traits he nicked from Namor. Later, they added super strength, bulletproof skin and other powers - again, all things Namor had first.
I know Aquaman was on Superfriends and all, but honestly, he's a cheap knock-off. The original Avenging Son of Atlantis needs a movie first.
As I'm sure others have mentioned, suicide is more endemic in Japan, but when I was in Japan a few years ago, they told me methods of suicides go in "trends." I was told that in 2008 (when I was there) the trendy method was gassing themselves, often leaving helpful notes on their apartment door saying things like "be…
Thank you for sharing that, I was unaware of it!
Zork, but no Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? For shame.
Racist little kid's costume called "Miss Butterfly"? Really? Sheesh.
Know how you feel, buddy.
Know how you feel, buddy.
Just to skew your image of good ole Fred Rogers a bit more... he was good friends with George Romero, even helping him make Night of the Living Dead!