Also health code violations if milk is allowed to remain on whatever other food items it may have splashed on. I've seen businesses shut down for less.
Also health code violations if milk is allowed to remain on whatever other food items it may have splashed on. I've seen businesses shut down for less.
Vandalism - deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage of property.
Now that's how it's done. All satirizing up in their business.
See? Now this is a prank. This does not involve destroying anyone else's property, or making anyone else have to clean up after their fun. This involves people living together making their own lives horrible for laughs. Prank on!
At least this guy isn't a full-on vandal, nor is he destroying someone else's property. He's just giving people making minimum wage more to do because he thinks it's funny that they have to work hard for a living.
Why is this posted anywhere than in an e-mail to their local police department? These people aren't pranksters, they are vandals. On the other hand, promoting them as "fun" and "priceless" on a major video game website is a great way to encourage gullible kids across the internet to try to copy the same damn thing and…
It was sleeping! It wasn't gunna hurt anyone!
I thought the post was hispstery before it was cool to think it was hipstery.
I think the poll is poorly worded. I doubt a lot of PS2 users would look at a PS3 that was not backward compatible and say "never!" However, if they asked if backward compatibility affected purchasing a new console, the results ma be even greater (and probably more honest).
Gotta admit, if it was successful, it wouldn't've been considered an experiment. Imagine if Wii had flopped? It would've immediately been thrown into the same category.
Considering you couldn't play it while walking (without modding it up the wazzoo), it was technically a home console. It should be in there.
You beat me to it. This is a necessary inclusion, and deserving of possibly beating out Wii's slot, as it was designed to work without even looking at it!
So wrong, and yet... it works.
I don't know.... but I feel dumber now.
I actually got a chuckle out of yours. Kudos!
To be fair, Lois is in charge.
Monty Oum's work is amazing. The dude should do storyboarding and choreography for movies.
I want to play this world in 3D. C'mon Nintendo! Give me a world map this big for the next Zelda game!
Paul Robertson! Can't get enough of that guy's stuff.
Whatever it is, it knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.