Whompy Whomperson

They’re going to need another run of guest hosts. I’m being completely serious here—I nominate Marc Summers. He has game show experience, trivia experience and, like LeVar Burton, he’s someone trusted by younger and older viewers alike. Remember, after that original run on the Double Dare shows, he went off to Food

Imagine being such a shitty person you get fired from a job you hired yourself for.

...with their hippin’ and their hoppin’ and their bippin’ and their boppin’! So they don’t know what the reference, is all about!

*gasp* A counterfeit cartridge ring operating out of my Game Hole!

I did. but it’s from a television show very few people have seen called The Simpsons

Damn kids, with their music….

...except the people that liked it.

A “Game Hole!”

The garage?? Hey fellas, the garage! Well ooh la de da Mr. French Game Developer!

It was just so damn short. My younger brother was the poke-maniac, and it was one of a number of games I tried to convince him NOT to get for his birthday (birthdays and Xmas were pretty much the only times we got games, so I valued each pick highly!). OG Snap was fun, but both of us had done basically everything to

its fun, but only having an hour or two’s worth of actual content with limited replay-ability made it an easy trade-in for a lot of people.

I imagine a lot of that trading in probably coincided with Blockbuster no longer having kiosks to print out your photos.

I was in high school when Pokemon really started picking up steam in the US, and it all seemed very much aimed at someone half my age, so after brief humoring a friend and playing through Blue, then watching the back half of one episode, I wrote the series off as Not For Me and dug into some of Square’s deeper PS1