Bad Kev

Meh.. I prefer Gordoughs' "black out" doughnut.

I thought the donuts were kinda cool...

This is the most interesting bit of information I've read on the internet all day.

Where can I find one of these suckers?

Surely they'll do something with that C-pillar on the coupe version. Looks pretty bad there.

I second the over-correcting and panicking points.

Not advocating speeding on ice. I'm simply pointing out what you are saying is false.

Doesn't mean what he said isn't true.

Still doesn't make sense.. I was driving in the ice storm that the DFW metroplex had about a month ago and there was clean sheet of ice over everything. There was hardly any traffic anywhere and me and a couple of friends were trying to get to a movie on time and I got up to 60 safely on a highway on a nice sheet of

I care about a diesel option more than a manual.

After looking at the image on the article I thought it was about a jetski...

Man you should drive the thing. I have a brother who works at a local Caddy Dealership and he had one of the "literally every option checked except V-Sport" CTS's for a night so I had the opportunity to drive one and it was freaking awesome (I think the sticker was over $70k). We were driving down one of the bumpier

Not gonna lie.. I'd take a 288 GTO over a 458 - FOREVER.

Yes it's very bad..

That's a good point!!!

I am now remembering about reading how good that car was when it came out and what it did for the brand.

Cadillac CTS.