Calm down, 'PC Police' police.
Calm down, 'PC Police' police.
I think it's also worth considering this show was made after LOST, specifically after it being clear that Lindelof is going to get shit for the rest of his life for that finale. I doubt they're not thinking at least sometimes "we gotta figure this out, we can't LOST this shit."
Haha yeah I realized that. WHOOPS. Motion Picture Soundtrack, same diff
The Westworld logo in the video William watches at the beginning matches the one on lab coats in the old photo Ford has. The new one is different (h/t to the Westworld Decoded podcast for that one.)
Nah they left out the choir vox
Yeah I'm not in love with it though. Radiohead is absolutely my favorite band of all time but three songs over two episodes? Cross the pond bros.
I have my Borgen blinders on, but even with that I haven't totally loved her in this. She does have that vibe of someone you shouldn't fuck with though
Well, if Felix and Sylvester go tattle they're both fired as fuck. Felix for stealing property and fucking around in the first place, and Sylvester for knowing about it for weeks and letting it happen.
I loved how she had a subtle but noticeable change in her voice right after that. Great work
Oh wow the embryo comment makes the "you're a butcher that's all you'll ever be" make a lot more sense. So these guys were basically designed for this job and this job only.
I'll start off by saying I'm aware some of the feelings I had watching this were super uncool and pretty racist but I can't quite shake them.
What? His hair is amazing
The direction in the scene with Ford and Cullen was amazing. I loved the way they shot that wine overflowing
Really? My interpretation has been the things he says are loaded with programming - certain actions are set in motion with each phrase.
Both of you could conceivably be correct
Interesting points! Your interpretation is certainly the more compelling one. Can't wait to find out!
Nah, just a former touring rock musician that has played at a professional level. All those things you listed are great (BBT not my flavor though post S4) and you just sound like an angsty teenager shitting on things that are popular. Hint: they're popular for a reason.
Wow you have a tin ear. Both are good bands but Radiohead is the greatest band of the past 20 years.