
I really feel bad to shit on Gummer because she is clearly giving it her all, but that's kind of the problem. The character is weak so she's giving it all she's got and it comes off as try-hard when the rubber hits the road. I just can't see her as an actual FBI agent…she's clearly a Hollywood Archetype Tough But

Pretty sure I know your argument (did I get transported to Reddit?) but explain what you mean. What does science say that contradicts the constructs of gender?

Definitely. I personally think Lynch's start as a painter led him to be heavily influenced by Dadaists like Dali.

Fair point. Let me rephrase: he wouldn't have gone with a network full of execs who have spent time developing shows like Royal Pains.

Hoisted by my own petard. Hey, I never claimed I wasn't a snobby asshole.

Like, Esmail isn't making the TV Persona here. Abstract films like The Assassin, Under the Skin, 2001 to name a few - they have a strong grasp of the visual metaphors, or are creating staggering works of emotional canvasses.

I think Lindelof is a good 5-8 years ahead of Esmail. He will go out there for sure, but he grounds it with amazing pathos through monologues and character interactions. Esmail seems to fall back on external, amorphous forces that do little to nothing to develop the characters involved.

For you maybs. It broke no new ground. It had one great actor and a bunch of pretty good actors and a mediocre leadingish man. Procedurals that only lend 30-50% of their show to serialization will never be on the level with fully serialized shows. For dramas at least.

Absolutely. I'm gonna give it at least till S3E4 or E5. Esmail is a remarkable talent, but like Lindelof his talent becomes a double-edged sword when he indulges his more fanciful notions.

I've watched several. PABST BLUE RIBBON!!!

I would agree, but this felt to me (just like true Detective's S2 bizarre Conway Twitty sequence) like a cheap knockoff. Dude who makes a movie like Eraserhead is not someone you want to try and ape, his brain is inimitable.

No. She doesn't "consider herself a woman." She IS. A. WOMAN. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

Agree to disagree. Leftovers was really strong but it wasn't pushing boundaries like Hannibal S3 was.

Occam's Razor fam. Dude isn't the next coming of Kubrick, or else he would have inked a deal with HBO.

People frustrated with the show: "there needs to be a point to this shit"

Maybe if there were real stakes and not Esmail jacking off watching episodes of Twin Peaks and Kubrick films, cumming all over his typewriter.

Nope, Whiterose is a woman. Period. Cmon bruh, it's 2016 get with the program.

What are you smoking, because I want some. I'm sorry but let's see…

Wow, what a condescending viewpoint. No, maybe it's we love complexity but complexity with purpose, not a smorgasbord of intrigue that leads to more intrigue, and nothing else.

Sorry, but I'm not seeing a whole lot of character development this season. It's basically all plot, except it's 100% setting up pins, 0% knocking them down. The only character with significant development has been Angela, and "significant" would be a stretch IMO.