Yeah I lost faith two eps ago. I wish I could say I don't think this show has become "LOST with computers" but I can't.
Yeah I lost faith two eps ago. I wish I could say I don't think this show has become "LOST with computers" but I can't.
Sorry but Hannibal was FAR more coherent than this show has ever been.
How is that good if the next episodes never hold up their end of the contract? Theres a difference between doing something and doing something with clear artistic intent and purpose. Half the time this dude is breaking the 4th wall in what seems to have no other purpose than "look how clever I'm being."
Yeah but it was never catharsis-avoidance wankery. It was like art house TV - abstract but still deeply emotional and based in reality. Honesty at this point it feels like Esmail doesn't have much more of an idea of what's going on than Lindelof did with LOST.
Seriously? That shit was corny as fuck. "Alexa, do you love me?" Gimme a break. I'm glad this show exists, maybe because I jumped off of LOST after S3 but it's such a clear case-study to me of when post-modernist, meta art can lose its way when it cares too much about the expectations game.
Almost entirely directors/producers IMO. The people who become music supervisors are people who appreciate the deep cuts.
Psssh. Wimp. My record is 13, and yes I was taking lots of Adderall so what!
Just realized he shares the name of Alexander the Great's father. A brilliant conquerer cut short in his prime due to fucking with the Persians.
There's one in the apt building I'm staying in called "Bitches be surfin" which I just adore.
Fucking actors
Series finale: every character is actually Tyrell
Oh my god thank you for posting this, I was starting to think I was crazy. To me the finale sequence was really well done, but I didn't care at all - I already knew we'd end on some cliffhanger where I end up knowing nothing and having to wait an entire week for some cathartic moment that ends up being underwhelming.
God is Erik Satie not the best? Such a badass
To everyone who doubted my certainty, SUCK IT
I feel you. I feel a very strong privileged-asshole kinship with her art so I tend to get where she's coming from.
I interpreted how eager Whiterose was to show Sculder her dresses and step away from the party was a sign. It also seems like the charade she puts on is so overtly aggressive in its facade. Everything is calculated and fake.
I think it's because Mr. Robot had it almost as an afterthought in the scene, whereas in HOC it was a groan-worthy scene capper.
They were both hella corny. It's like something out of THE HOLLYWOOD MANUAL: Symbolic Gestures for Dummies.
Yeah, she's getting such a pass on this one
Dude if all you're getting from Amy Schumer is "'I dated this guy' jokes" then you have some fucked up perspectives on women in comedy. She talks about dating, she's a human who dates. Don't criticize her for shit you wouldn't think twice about if the gender roles were reversed.