
I mean, should they? They're just human beings, who despite their willingness to accept the job have basically been thrust into these positions by being successful white women in comedy who don't shy away from confronting the horrible abuse they receive on a daily basis.

Eh, I mean I'm a white guy feminist but let's be honest we're white, so we're by default already pretty terrible at the whole intersectionality thing.

Right, in my mind it's pretty indisputable she's a bona fide genius. And like 99% of creative geniuses, she's a self-absorbed asshole.

Damn if Lena Dunham is the AV Club's "golden child" I'm pretty sure we need to call CPS.

Wow this guy with somewhat-bigoted thoughts is Australian? Who would have thought!?!

Same thing, but it turned out it was actually David Beckham

Tbf, who hasn't done that. She just did the thing I often do: assume people will know exactly what I'm thinking when I say something, then have it come off horribly because I missed about 5 steps of explanation.

I'd argue the second one, clearly. If a tree falls in the forest and we don't hear it, but some animal did, we could say it makes a sound. Know what I mean?

If that were true, wouldn't they cast a bio female then? I just don't see USA execs signing off on such a complex gender representation. At some point, we have to take certain things on its face, and what I've gotten from the show I would guess Whiterose's story goes something like:

How's that? She seems pretty uncomfortable whenever she has to pass as a cis man. I'm open to hearing an argument for it though

Oh I agree, and I was being pretty generous to Jessica Jones, despite how enjoyable the lead was, Tennant's character was a little cheesy and ridiculous. But let's not forget how grossly Justified lost its way in S4-5. Especially 5.

It also was just a bunch of table-setting for the most part. Kind of a bummer.

Lol what are you needing exactly? Her to turn to the camera after peeing, wink, and say "get it? Because I'm a woman"? Obviously it's only going to be subtext because Esmail's not a terrible writer.

Alex, not sure how you've found misgendering Whiterose half the time to be the most respectful? She was born a biological male, so she made the choice to transition to a woman. She only appears as a man when it's just for that, appearances.

Yup. It's wild to me people think this show is on the same level as shows like Breaking Bad/Sopranos/The Americans. I enjoy it, but it's decidedly on the second tier along with shows like Justified or Jessica Jones.

Let's hope Esmail doesn't pull a Lindelof and go off the reservation.

Mobley was already picked up and released.

I loved how they showed just how accustomed Naz had become to the doors being remotely unlocked by guards.

I liked her too but she IMO was slotted into the "hardass rule-follower" w very little shading beyond her wanting to go home. Even her partner had a moment of vulnerability when he puked, she got nada.

Couldn't disagree more. Her cross-examinations were weak to nonexistent, she was asking her own witnesses crazy questions, and saying stuff like "OBJECTION: no it's not."