
Typical woman, doesn't know her place! Thank god it's not you being myopic and lacking empathy

I don't think it's a coincidence either how little effort was put into humanizing and contextualizing the only two women of color with visibility in the show.

I think this really nails it. It's so easy to debate her thought process because there was very little definition exerted in the writing when it came to her POV. Except the creepy mortician basically caused her to piss herself like a frightened puppy. That was annoying.

His directing style includes making acting performances as wooden and muted as possible.

I don't really agree. She has a very good (if not *great*) voice, as we could hear when she started. Then she started losing her composure and her singing fell off too. More great acting from Doubleday

Watch House of Games, you'll get it

Entirely possible. I think my brain got confused and thought the reviewer's name was Sam something but of course that's the creator of the show.

I maintain they injected his nerves but needless to say, I applaud the wordplay

Mamet strikes again

Mingus Ah Um may very well be my favorite jazz record ever. That was Better Git It in Your Soul right?

I think the writer was just being a little too cute. Dude is such a typical nerd, effortlessly pulls relevant, damn insightful quotes from all sorts of literature but also "MACHINATIONS! GET IT???"

I'm not sure he's faking his feelings, in fact I really don't think he is. But TDA is really putting the screws to him and we've seen they don't fuck around.

I can't believe it took me this long to realize China has backed this entire thing.

*thumbs up emoji*

Yep I realized that later. I'm an idiot

Oh I know! It's a trump reference

The dad is great too. His name escapes me at the moment but he's incredible in A Separation.

I actually loved how they've treated the progression of Stone's feelings for the cat. Really hit me in the feels when he said that.

Good points!

He didn't initiate the kiss though…