
[spoiler] I’m not looking for a reboot so much as I’m disappointed because I feel like what I’m getting is: “it wasn’t This, like we thought. It was That all along!” And, again, not that I’m not enjoying seeing the band back together, I am; it’s just that the entire premise for their return feels a little thin.

Yes! All the die-hard fans I know didn’t want a new and updated X-Files. We wanted them to just have six new episodes of a new season. You can sit here and say the acting wasn’t right, or whatever. But any real X-Files fan can watch any 3 seconds between David and Gillian out of context from the new episodes and know

Most critics are panning the X-Files for being too much like the X-Files...

Yeah. That’s genius.

I’m 34, so I’m closer to middle-aged than to a Young. I don’t mean to suggest that no middle-aged people know how to use Twitter, but rather that it isn’t as integral a part of their lives as it is for younger people. Almost everyone I know has Twitter, but I know almost no one who uses it extensively. (Which, again,

I kind of feel like the new X-files was always doomed with some viewers. Go new directions and be told you are the old show in name only. Stay with the old feel and get told there is nothing new to see.

You mean it’s like they just picked up where they left off?

And here come the people literally proving my point.

They do more showing than telling in the episodes. If you pay attention to Mulder’s phone in the first episode is an old ‘90's flip phone. It’s one without a camera, without “smart tech” or the internet. In episode 2, you see Mulder on a computer, and the one thing he does is put a piece of tape over the camera so

So first off, the show needed to do exactly what it did. It needed to re-establish the premise of what the show was about. It did this in the first episode in all the ways you discussed. It brought back all the core characters from the 90's and showed us how they are still relevant today. The show also needed to get

There’s also something off to me about suggesting that Mulder would be super obsessed with the government spying on us, or that he would be into using Twitter. Mulder and Scully are middle-aged people now, and at least half of their audience, if not more, are middle-aged people. They don’t want to see Mulder on the

Maybe, I don’t know, stop judging everything before it’s finished.

Sounds like the show you want is Person of Interest.