
Deadspin’s Philly contingent thinks Chase Utley is garbage for what it’s worth.

Matt cassel looked really good with that team too

That’s not even a hot take. That was just a run of the mill rundown of a foul ball but then “JEETAH!”. I see a comparable play multiple times per season.

The Patriots’ system is recording other teams’ defensive practices.

I know. I’m ashamed. I left out Mo Williams too. It’s hard to measure either’s success in Cleveland without knowing how much was because of the other one.

I believe Derek Jeter’s running catch and leap into the stands vs the Red Sox was totally overrated and not that great.

Also, Giambi was safe:

One might even call them a super team.

I sincerely believe that Chris Paul is top 10 all time great in NBA history

Baylor being filled with scum doesn’t change the fact that Urban is scum himself. He’s doing the right thing only because he has no other options.

If he had been good enough to start, Urban will look the other way even if he kills someone.

Sure, good old Urban, always doing the right thing.

With all due respect, this was a lot worse than an athlete putting something dumb on social media. This isn’t the same thing as an athlete calling out fans on twitter, or posting a photo of a naked chick, or having a bad take on an issue... this is an athlete with 40,000 followers encouraging violence against police

Wes Welker then went home and gave a similar interview to his desk lamp.

It’s incredible really, Ronaldo wins the Euro trophy in his first game as Portugal’s manager.

I think they got laid and you’re jealous

Have you guys watched Any Given Wednesday? Do you think it’s good or bad?

What is the ranking of the Gawker sites in terms of most fun to party with?

Yes, hot and dumb. It’s a style that covers hundreds if not thousands of beers, and most people are drinking IPAs because they enjoy drinking IPAs.