
I got my 60 dollars worth of gaming out of the 5 or 6 CoD games I have bought in the last 10 years. Each time, upon their releases the games are proclaimed AMAZING! and shouted as modern day masterpieces...or arguably holds a tied position with whatever other CoD title releases along side of it by the competition. The

My first memorable car expierence was visiting the junkyard to check out his Tempo, of the same vintage, in Regetta Blue. He had recently crashed it. He went off the side of the road, up a hill, and rolled it a few times. He wasn't hurt badly or anything.

The idea to take a few shipping containers and bury them on a piece of property with a little hillside has gone through my mind quite a bit. Only leave the front face open. Its like a cheap version of those multimillion dollar design/art homes that get featured on gizmodo. Wouldn't bee too hard to find a plot of cheap

he said "convincence store I frequent". I assume they knew him well enough to trust him...and report him to the cops if the owner who locked was not really a theif.

I am not sure if that statement was meant to be taken literally or not. Its Poe's law at work for me and from the looks of it, the rest of the public as well. It is relitavely common to exhume bodies for various reasons no matter the religion of the deceased...and everyone knows this.

I read this, while sitting in my 2002 Honda Odyssey, smoking a cigarette, because the wife and my live-in mother-in-law don't want me smoking around my kids or in the house (can't blame them, damn things will kill you)...look at me digressing...anyways...I giggled a bit at your post. A little thought passed through my

You have brought to light one of the most overlooked facts in modern society: Humans, especially ones from first-world nations, tend to only understand obviously good vs. evil situations or rationalize situations with no true or clear good/evil side by applying the dichotomy at their own discression.

The setup does lessen the blow of having a mother-in-law living under your roof as well.


So what will happen first? PSA Peugeot Citroen American return or TVR putting out a new car?

Why do we keep on trying to label and regulate new things in a way that they are not treated like a new item but one that should be grandfathered in to some existing regulation or law?

I may have to. If the urge finally wins and I do break down, I will have to be able to use it for something productive or my wife will crucify me for making poor decisions with my money...or her money depending on how well hidden my balls are in her purse. mistake.

I know and it is unfortunate. Until that time comes I am going to have to settle for my less than optimal 60" Samsung and Onkyo 6.1 600watt (500watt powered sub) system.

Never figured entertainment systems for puke targets seeing as they are usually mounted up on the headrest's rear face or on the ceiling. Honestly, if one of my kids is puking and managed to hit either ofbthose locations, the screens are a few notches below things like my hair and body, the rest of the

my mother in law lives with us. She has a rot. Big baby like the rest...just a louder bark and she growls and gurgles when she is happy.

Kaine and my son.

Two pits. Total idiots. They have spent years thinking they are chihuahua sized lap dogs and get their asses handed to them on a daily basis by my two toddler sons. Best dogs a father could ask for. Worst for home defense.

I am a married man, with two todler children, and two dogs. Ignore my dogs. As cool as it would be for my own personal use connected to my Xbox One playing games (porn seems a step into too much personal awkwardness) pranking my wife or my young sons would be amazing...well...amazing for me and the internet. Their

Say what you will about personally liking Sagan more than him but I can't believe you would feel the same if you could somehow defy the laws of nature and to have a sit down conversation with both of them. Carl Sagan can be quit dry, boring, and drifts too far away from what the average human can really follow. Neil