
i did the same thing down my mother's back yard (similar size and hill slope) when my oldest was about 3 years old. He was on a little non-powered plastic Kawasaki quad. He was either going to hit the two smaller (6ft) but very steep hills that led to the neighbors driveway or run into the trampoline my youngest

You hit the nail on the head when you said "treating cars and phones like appliances".

A well written and educated response. Thank you for your time.

Also...some food for thought. My minivan is a Honda Odyssey. A Japanese company. Its manufactured in the US. The parts my van is made from are sourced from plants all over the world. It was assembled in North America.


The ground.

Yeah...pretty sure my LG Nexus 5 is Korean...well...South Korean.

I will say this again: Just because you do not understand something does not make it any less true.

oh...and I have been using my phone to browse the net, watch a bit of porn on the shitter (kids are asleep and the wife just had surgery so she isn't up for any fun at the moment), played some games, and watched some YouTube. Its been kinda busy lately but I am at 50% after 6 hours of not being on the charger. I can

i can ask you the same question and reword it so I question why you think it is a piece of shit.

Such a sweetheart...but you still don't get the point. You want to focus on this phone being some shoddy knockoff.

No it isn't. That was a horrible anology that only questions build quality.

I just don't see this beating phones like the iPhone or Nexus 5. At the end of the day, it is another Chinese phone. Call me petty or simple if you wish...but the fact of the matter is that people wont buy it because it is just another Chinese phone no one will get customer support for. Just because a company like

Like anything else in society, its a giant pissing contest to most the population. Like automobiles, we could all make due with 20 horsepower people movers without pesky things like doors to drive up the price. But that doesn't stop people from building things we don't necessarily need. Sure, I could make a stretch

A few seconds into the video, I couldn't help but think that I was hearing a straight piped Porsche, revving in a tunnel, and I was listening to it all at the end of the tunnel with Folger's coffee tins on each ear.

SVO being dead is a valid reason. SVT somehow meaning "insane horsepower" like the GT500 is BS. If you really need proof of that, I suggest you remember that the SVT Focus and SVT Contour had sub-200hp outputs.

When my stepfather was a child/teen, he had a bad fever (no specifics of what illness...never really asked too much) and it basically killed his thyroid. Also, my grandmother (father's mother) had hers removed about 13 years ago. My dad told my sister that they cut her head off as an explanation of the scar on her

"Hashish" is "grass" in aerbic. I'm not sure what your standards are when it comes to information sources...but Wikipedia says its a common misnomer.

You can see thing thousands and millions of light years away with the naked eye (stars) yet you can't make out a playing card from 100 yaards off with the naked eye.

I am no physicist, but that view is kinda flawed. The magnetosphere blocks radiation thrown off from the sun 90+ million miles away. While we can observe and understand the polarity of the sun, its not really a matter or concern how the sun is aligned magnetically with the earth's magnetic field. What does matter is