
There’s a widely held belief that below a certain altitude, one is outside FAA jurisdiction—some say below 400 feet, others say below 700 feet. Either way, this is a canard. FAA jurisdiction starts at the ground and extends to the edge of space. Most likely, FAA jurisdiction is being confused with FAA-”controlled”

american cities were once nearly as bad. china is building a massive number of nuclear plants and is leading the world in ultra-safe molten salt/metal cooled reactor development. in a couple decades china’s immense number of coal plants will be a relic of the past.

Ah, but then they interact with the chemtrails and cellphone radiation and turn your precious children into autistic space lizards.

Are we sure that GMO’s won’t alter my Indigo Child’s midichlorian count?

I’m more curious about “abstracting” electricity.

Daedalus all the way!

So, George Lucas is not a rocket scientist, is what I’m getting here.

/although he is the guy who ran a 5K in less than 3 kilometers.

This is why all Jedi need JediCams; now let’s hope this footage is enough to prosecute him and finally bring him to justice for once

If the movie got made, Cage would’ve looked like he does in that photo, not this one, which you’ve seen all over the Internet.

My only negative comment is The Thing sounds like he’s on helium. Okay not that bad but that pitch of a voice is simply wrong for The Thing. Hate to say it but it needs to be gravelly.

It’s hard to really geek out on this when they can’t even get their units correct. Joules is not a unit of power! (That’d be watts.) They confuse power and energy all over the place in these inforgraphics.

He didn’t say they were good engineers...

I once walked in and nearly bought an iPhone, worst day of my life

Are you Ron Jeremy?

Nice touch with the robot doing the Morricone sting. And the acoustic guitar version of the Imperial March at the end.

I think we all know what... Or rather WHO... Is responsible.

“Fontwads”? “Fontards”? “Funts”?

Bruce, you look great. My hand’s off to you, sir.