
Too bad. I already finished it some days ago on my PC and I have no intention of replaying it, at least for a while.

The guy already said the performance is better after these tweaks.

Never got into the minecraft kinda games where you wander around upgrading and building for no reason.

Choices have always been a big feature in BioWare games, from dialogue to different-colored explosions.

Still not gonna play it -_-

Woah! How can such a good-looking game get such bad review?(haven't tried it myself)

I've used both AMD and Nvidia. Personally, I prefer AMD. Dunno why, just do, and i'm running watch dogs fine on an AMD card right now.

What I mean is the quality of SP has been suffering since the MP rage started. No the MMO one, but simply anything with an online component.

Yes, I clearly know this is not BGS and Bethesda has many studios like Obsidian and Arkane under it but my point was, really? Do we need another game like this? I've never been into MP much, be it offline or online and games like Team Fortress really get on my nerves. What I want is a solid single-player experience

Shit, Bethesda. Just give us a good single player game like Fallout 3 or something, sans the parade of bugs, and we'll be happy.

Of course. Japan always does the best things first.

"Why transport yourself to far off worlds with books when you have so many dang video games?"

This article perfectly captivates the reason I love DkS. Another thing I love about it is you get the bragging rights("yeah you bitches can't even kill the first boss!" :p )

Yup...if they were endangered they wouldn't be sold for regular prices in the markets.

Now that they've got those 2 billion, people should get their money back AND the rewards cuz they helped in starting up the venture. That's the only way this can be solved. Pretend that they took a loan from the backers and give it back with interest. -_-

I'm from India and as far as I know, eating the small species of sharks is quite common here. In fact, I've eaten it many times. Or wait, was that something else? Who cares, as long as it's a fish and the species is not endangered?

She kinda looks like Annie from attack on titan. :3

Finally, someone has the sense to not drag along the last gen consoles!

I want MGSV to be on PC so bad. I never bothered buying a PS3 just for MGSiv. But if this doesn't hit PC, I think i'll have to get the PS4.