Well I stick to this adage for myself and my partner M.M
Well I stick to this adage for myself and my partner M.M
My dear I have seen and experienced enough hatred and violence to last 10 lifetimes, I refused to let it turn me into a bitter twisted individual along with it however.
thank you for being kind, i ended up making a reply just above this.
Against my better judgement ill post something.
I really want to post something positive from my own experience about my partner here but i just cant be bothered dealing with angry peoples hate over her so early today. I kinda don’t have the patience to deal with trolls at 5:45am so I’m just going to smoke up then cuddle back up to my baby instead.
Its because there is no consequence for action like there used to be when you had to say it to someone’s face. I actually try to avoid comments sections on anything like shootings, hate crimes etc etc these days.
By doing that you know your playing right into Sony’s marketing over this don’t you? This has also pissed me off since this whole load of crap came out that goes along the lines of “if you don’t like this movie you don’t like women”.
Its being painted that the only reason you can dislike this movie is because your…
After reading your article I was made to think about how lucky I am with my sobriety. I had one serious but fleeting moment of “what will I do without alcohol, who will I be without alcohol, what will my life be without alcohol” where I was completely hysterical and crying my eyes out due to the insane mind gripping…