
Those people can just go right ahead and not get married or adopt children then, if they are so morally opposed to it. lol They certainly don’t have the right to make that sort of determination for every other member of the community though.

So true. It’s VERY unfortunate when the courts take it upon themselves to decide that a group of people have been subjugated and denied the same basic rights as everyone else and decide that such subjugation should stop. SHAME on you courts. SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME... I mean, it’s not as though homos pay taxes like

Godzilla Vs. Klittra, I can see it now...

Peen... Peen... It is rather fun to type. :)

I think we’re just happy to be mentioned. lol Usually the only time we get mentioned in the news is when someone here has done something really stupid or violent. Or when our Prime Minister does things that make the world hate us...

lol Yeah, I would hope that they would have notified people before the class really began that it was going to be necessary for them to nude at some point, otherwise I’d probably be upset about it as well. It at least would give people the chance to decide against taking the course if they are uncomfortable with it.